SurfNetwork (fibre optic)

City of Gold Coast’s SurfNetwork is a leading-edge fibre optic network positioning the Gold Coast as Australia’s most digitally connected city to support economic growth.

Across the city, SurfNetwork own and operate:

Fibre optic cable
100 kms
Fibre optic cable
Fibres at the core
Fibres at the core
Fibre ring
Fibre ring
Fibre plugs
Points of interconnect

Network connectivity

  • Free and fast public Wi-Fi
  • Connections to our City corporate network and Security Camera Network
  • carrier-grade wholesale services to telecommunications carriers and internet service providers.
  • SurfNetwork is a reliable neutral carrier, offering optimal services and no specific affiliation to a network provider

Contact us

For more information about accessing our network:

SurfNetwork fact sheet(PDF, 1MB)