Free SurfNetwork Wi-Fi

Our SurfNetwork is one of Australia’s fastest and largest fibre optic networks. SurfNetwork offers free Wi-Fi to the millions of visitors and residents within our Wi-Fi zones each year. These zones cover many of our major beaches, the Oceanway and visitor hotspots.

Why connect?

There are many benefits to connecting to our free SurfNetwork Wi-Fi including:

  • lightning speeds – up to 10 gigabits — which is approximately 20 times faster than the average NBN connection
  • free service
  • high data allowance – users can access 100 gigabytes (upload and download) of data per day
  • no collection of personal information from users
  • no personal logins required.

Coverage areas


The SurfNetwork does not require personal logins and doesn't have a minimum session or timeout. We take privacy seriously and do not collect or store any personal information from the SurfNetwork service.

Note: We've designed the network to provide coverage in public spaces. It may not be available within buildings. As this is a free public service, the City does not offer support services for personal devices. If you are unable to connect to the network, please check your device security settings or ask your device provider.