Internet of Things

The City of Gold Coast has installed a commercial-grade Low Power Wide Area Network (LPWAN) using the globally-adopted open standard LoRaWAN technology.

The new network enables diversified large-scale Internet of Things (IoT) applications throughout the Gold Coast. It covers an area of more than 1300 square kilometres, making it Australia's biggest commercial LoRaWAN network to date.

The LoRaWAN network will reduce the cost of deploying large-scale IoT projects.

An example of a City-led IoT application is the installation of smart water meters. This water-saving program has the potential to:

  • keep rates as low as possible for residents and businesses through early leak detection
  • reduce water consumption through provision of real-time information
  • reduce the cost of new infrastructure.

Utilise the LoRaWAN network

The National Narrowband Network Company (NNNCo) was awarded the contract to build and operate our LoRaWAN network.

For more information on using the LoRaWAN network, contact NNNCo.

Gold Coast LoRaWAN whitepaper

Learn about how the City of Gold Coast has built Australia’s largest city-owned commercial-grade LoRaWAN, to create a smart, connected city.
Download Gold Coast LoRaWAN whitepaper(PDF, 1MB)