Sister cities & international relationships

City of Gold Coast's sister city relationships and international partnerships are a source of economic growth, provide cultural, educational and professional opportunities and boost our international profile. These relationships assist to open our door to the world and create real outcomes for Gold Coast residents and businesses.

Traditionally, sister city relationships focused on cultural and education exchanges. It is now recognised that these relationships also have the ability to stimulate economic growth, increase tourism and assist in establishing reliable business contacts which can create long-term benefits to the local community and partners abroad.

They also enable communities to exchange ideas, gain an international perspective and increase their understanding of global issues.

The City currently has 10 sister cities and one friendship agreement, all of which have helped shape the Gold Coast as a city of global significance by fostering successful business and cultural ties. This is through initiatives that include two-way trade missions, hosting inbound delegations and staff and student exchanges.

City of Gold Coast participates in a number of sister city projects throughout the year. Learn about these opportunities and how to submit your interest. Visit Sister city projects.