Place making projects

Place making projects are medium- to large-scale capital upgrade projects, usually identified in a precinct place making master plan. They include substantial changes to public areas, creating quality places that people want to live, work, play and learn in.

The focus is on pedestrian amenity and includes the following criteria:

  • walkable – creating spaces for pedestrian traffic
  • accessible – people can easily circulate into, out of and within these centres
  • views and vistas – providing clear sight lines
  • visual amenity – creating attractive places with character and charm to walk, shop, eat and relax
  • sociable – places encourage people to connect
  • kerbside allocation – providing buildouts for dining and gardens as well as footpath widening
  • landscaping and irrigation – upgrading planting and pavements
  • public art – designing and installing art works to enhance the centre's individual character
  • street furniture – installing seating, shelters, bins, bicycle racks
  • parking – balancing the need for efficient traffic circulation and provision of parking
  • lighting – providing good visibility using feature lighting and street lighting
  • safety – ensuring the improvements provide a safe environment for all future users of the centre.

We follow the principles of Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design with layout and use of street furniture to improve safety.

These projects are wholly funded by the City of Gold Coast.

Current projects

Griffith Street Stage 2 Revitalisation Project

Completed place making projects