If you have a problem or concern about the services, decisions or actions of City of Gold Coast, we would like to hear about it. We'd also love to hear about any positive experiences you've had with our City staff or services.
Report a problem
To report a maintenance issue with a City asset or problems such as noise, graffiti, illegal parking, overgrown properties, or nuisance animals, visit our Report a problem section.
Complaints about City decisions or actions
If you:
- are directly affected by an administrative action of Council of the City of Gold Coast or a Council employee and would like to express your dissatisfaction, or
- would like to lodge a complaint about the City's disclosure of personal information
Visit our Complaints page.
Code of conduct concerns
To find out how to report misconduct, unfair practices or a grievance associated with a City employee visit Our business ethics
Councillor & Mayoral conduct
For information about the responsibilities of Councillors and how to make a complaint about Councillor conduct visit Code of conduct for Councillors
Council vehicle complaints
To make a complaint about a Council vehicle or a vehicle used to conduct a Council service, such as rubbish collection, please forward the information below to mail@goldcoast.qld.gov.au:
- your name and contact details
- registration number of the vehicle
- a description of the vehicle
- date, time and location of the incident
- a brief description of what happened
- any other information pertinent to the incident.
Accidental damage to property
Unforeseen accidents, for example where a stone or hard object is thrown up from a mower or a whipper-snipper, can happen unexpectedly.
If your property has been accidentally damaged by Council maintenance works, please see our Accidental damage to property by City mowing page for information.
Parking infringement reviews
If you have received a parking fine and feel that it was an error or that there were exceptional circumstances, you can apply to have your parking fine reviewed.
To find out more visit Request a parking fine review
Neighbourhood issues
For information about neighbourhood issues and disputes, e.g. boundary fencing, visit Neighbourhood issues
Has a City employee helped make your day? Help us recognise their efforts:
Complete our quick and easy online form below or call us on 1300 465 326 (1300 GOLD COAST). You can also use this form to submit any feedback you may have.
Submit a compliment