Applications for documents which contain personal information
The Information Privacy Act 2009 ('the Act') provides the framework for how the City handles your personal information. This includes the requirement that the City gives you a document containing your own personal information if you ask for it.
The City may release your personal information to other parties under certain circumstances. Those circumstances include where the release of the information is:
- for law enforcement
- authorised or required under a law
- required by a subpoena or a summons
- the result of a valid Evidence Act application, or
- the result of a valid Notice of Non-Party Disclosure application.
You can find more information about each situation below. If you have any questions please call the City's Legal Information unit on 07 5581 6094 or email
Right to information
The Right to Information Act 2009 (RTI Act) aims to make more government information available to all sectors of the community.
For more information visit Right to information.
Disclosure Log
The Disclosure Log contains details of documents released by Council following a decision pursuant to the Right to Information Act 2009, including how to access these documents. To download and view these documents go to our Disclosure Log page.
Information privacy
The Information Privacy Act 2009 (IP Act) complements The RTI Act. It establishes a right to access and to amend personal information.
The IP Act sets out the ways in which the City and all other Queensland government agencies manage your personal information. You can view or request copies of your personal information. You can also apply for the amendment of these documents if the information is inaccurate or out of date:
To apply visit Information privacy.
Find out more about how the City manages personal information by viewing our Privacy Notice.
Need to know more about Right to Information or Information Privacy laws?
Further information is available from the Queensland Office of the Information Commissioner.
Law enforcement
The City has a standard form for law enforcement requests which will guide you in providing all the details the City needs to process the request.
If you require a copy of the form, please send an email from a recognised law enforcement email domain address to or call Information Access on 07 5581 6094.
Release of information authorised or required by law
If you are an officer of a government agency and you operate under a law which authorises or requires the release of documents containing personal information, please complete the Government agency access for City of Gold Coast information form for your request.
To obtain a copy of the form, please email or call Information Access on 07 5581 6094.
Subpoena or summons
A subpoena is a document issued by a court in civil proceedings, that says someone must appear in court or give certain documents to the court.
A summons is a court document used in criminal proceedings that instructs a person to give evidence or produce a document to the court.
Please submit subpoena's or summons to the City via:
Chief Executive Officer
City of Gold Coast
PO Box 5042
Attention: Chief Executive Officer
City of Gold Coast
If you have correctly served a subpoena or a summons on the City, the documents will be provided to the court by the Information Access team.
Evidence Act applications
If you are a party to civil proceedings, you may wish to apply under section 134A of the Evidence Act 1977 to inspect documents which are relevant to an issue in the proceedings. The City has a standard form for Evidence Act applications which will guide you in providing all the details the City needs to process your request.
The City covers its costs by charging a fee for copies of documents provided, in addition to a standard fee for each application.
It is recommended that you call 07 5581 6094 for advice before completing the Evidence Act application form.
Request for information under s134A Evidence Act 1977(PDF, 834KB)
Notice of non-party disclosure
If you are involved in civil proceedings, you may issue a 'Notice of non-party disclosure' to someone who is not involved in the proceedings.
Please submit a Notice of Non-party Disclosure to the City via:
Chief Executive Officer
City of Gold Coast
PO Box 5042
Attention: Chief Executive Officer
City of Gold Coast
If you have correctly issued a Notice of Non-party Disclosure to the City, you will receive a response from the Information Access team.