Australian citizenship ceremonies

Citizenship ceremonies fulfil the legal requirements for citizenship prescribed by the Australian Citizenship Act 2007 and the Australian Citizenship Regulations 2007.

The citizenship ceremony is the final step in becoming an Australian citizen. Local governments conduct most citizenship ceremonies on behalf of the Department of Home Affairs.

City of Gold Coast holds citizenship ceremonies throughout the year. The Department of Home Affairs manages and allocates attendance of the citizenship ceremonies. Home Affairs issues the City with candidates' names about 6 weeks before a ceremony. The City then emails invitations advising candidates of their ceremony details.

After approval of Australian citizenship, it may take 6 to 12 months for candidates to receive an invitation to attend a citizenship ceremony.

For more information visit the Department of Home Affairs website or call their Global Service Centre on 13 18 81.

Next Australian Citizenship Ceremony – 26 January 2025

Due to the large number of people receiving their citizenship, candidates are only permitted to bring 2 guests to the ceremony held at HOTA, Home of the Arts. A live stream of the ceremony will be available for guests on 26 January and for 14 days after.

3pm ceremony live stream

Next citizenship ceremony

The next citizenship ceremony will be held on 3 March. Invitations will be sent early February.