Our plans

Our plans support Council's strategic vision; to strengthen the city's economy, protect our environment and improve services and facilities for our residents, businesses, and visitors. Learn more about our plans by selecting from the list below.

To view the strategies that our plans support, visit Our strategies.

Read about current projects in place to help implement these plans – visit Projects & works.

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The vision for our Accessible and Inclusive City Action Plan 2020–2025 (AICAP) is ‘a city where everyone's included’.

There are over 100 actions in the plan, which are based on feedback we received from our community.

Actions have been grouped into five strategic outcomes:

  1. Our community is inclusive
  2. Our spaces and places are accessible for all
  3. Everyone can enjoy our Gold Coast lifestyle
  4. Everyone can connect with the city
  5. Our city benefits from a diverse and inclusive workforce

Thank you to everyone that provided input to this plan during community engagement. We are proud of our progress to date and will continue our work to remove barriers and ensure that everyone's included.

Download a copy of the AICAP. Downloads are available in the following accessible formats:

  • PDF (tagged for screen reading)
  • Microsoft Word document in large font
  • Easy English.

Other formats, including hard copy, are available by request.

For more information, or to request a copy, please contact us via:

Email: inclusion@goldcoast.qld.gov.au
Phone: 07 5581 6642
SMS: 0439 226 125

Visit People with disability

The Active Transport Plan sits as part of the broader Gold Coast City Transport Strategy 2031. Further to the strategy, this plan provides detail on the types of actions required to implement better cycling and walking facilities on the Gold Coast.

Investing in active transport is part of building an integrated, sustainable transport network that will allow all residents and visitors to experience the benefits of walking and cycling more, and driving less.

The Active Transport Plan outlines the City's priority actions to deliver a high quality and safe active transport network for the Gold Coast.

Visit Active travel

Annual Plan cover

Our Annual Plan provides an overview of the City's budget and operational plans for the year ahead. The Annual Plan theme for 2024–25 is 'Continuing to protect our lifestyle' and supports the implementation of the City Vision and Gold Coast 2032.

Our Annual Plan includes the City Budget and City Operational Plan providing a comprehensive view of priorities, expenditure and levels of rates, fees and charges.

Find out more

The City Freight Plan aims to improve the efficiency, safety and sustainability of freight movements in, out and around the city.

Our population, tourism and industrial growth are dependent on the freight sector's continued ability to transport essential goods and services throughout the Gold Coast. Freight across the city occurs in many different forms including the delivery of goods (e.g. fresh fruit and vegetables, building materials, manufactured goods, fuel) and the provision of services (e.g. linen laundering and waste removal).

The increased congestion on Gold Coast roads without proper planning will impact our economy and productivity. The receivers of freight and the transport industry rely on good levels of road access and reliability. They are therefore greatly disadvantaged by traffic congestion.

The City, working in partnership with the freight sector and other stakeholders, will ensure the effective long-term management of the freight network. We have developed the Gold Coast City Freight Plan 2018–2028 to improve the efficiency, safety and sustainability of freight movements into, out of and around the Gold Coast.

City freight initiatives will be achieved through 3 targeted priority areas:

  1. Planning to build the future – influencing land use and development planning so the impact of freight related trips on city roads is managed.
  2. Optimising our freight network – improving the operation of the city's freight network to reduce delays and logistic costs supporting smart freight; influencing road behaviour to ensure the long-term sustainability of the freight network.
  3. Supporting smart freight – partnering with the Gold Coast freight industry to generate cooperation and efficiencies.

The City Parking Plan 2031 is designed to provide stainable transport solutions and give everyone fair access to a convenient place to park.

The Plan aims to:

  • improve parking availability and access
  • manage parking based on localised demands
  • ensure there is a transparent approach to pricing
  • provide better access to real-time parking availability information and more payment options
  • enhance customer experience.

Our coast is integral to our city's lifestyle, reputation and identity. It's important that adaptation options and our plans align with community expectations, preferences and values.

The Gold Coast is an iconic Australian coastal city and Queensland's largest regional city. There's golden sandy beaches, endless waterways and beautiful natural landscapes that residents and visitors can easily access for recreation and relaxation. To protect our coast we are planning to enhance our resilience against coastal hazards, now and in the future.

Our coast is dynamic, it is always changing because of constant and persistent natural processes, shock extreme weather events and gradual changing climatic conditions. According to the State Government projections, by 2100 sea levels will be 0.8 metres higher than present day. Cyclones will increase in intensity and are expected to track farther south. Coastal areas are expected to be exposed to increased erosion, higher storm tides and frequent flooding in low-lying areas which may present as new hazards to people and property and increase the level of hazard experienced to those in existing mapped hazard areas.

City of Gold Coast, together with 31 other Queensland Councils, was awarded funding under the State Government's $12 million Coastal Hazards Adaptation program (QCoast2100) to develop effective plans to minimise the impacts of coastal hazards. An outcome of this program was the City's development of the ‘Coastal Adaptation Plan’.

The Coastal Adaptation Plan (the Plan) is a high-level, technical analysis of the City's exposure to coastal hazards, now and into the future, and a pathway to investigate potential adaptation options to enhance the resilience of areas that require further investigation. It is an important document that enables actions, investigations and implementation recommended through the plan and long-term funding decisions by Federal, State and Local Government authorities.

Building future resilience of our valued environmental, cultural and built assets is one of our top priorities. To safeguard our city we are continuing to develop initiatives listed in our Coastal Adaption Plan. Coastal hazards can leave lasting damage, including erosion to our beaches and foreshores. Storm tides and tidal flooding can inundate land, affecting our communities, properties and assets. Working with stakeholders and the community, we continue to share ideas and explore available solutions. This helps to better understand coastal hazards and helps to inform future planning, with cost-effective adaptation options.

New solutions

An adaptation option is a recommended solution to avoid, manage and mitigate coastal hazards. Extensive stakeholder input and the best available science, engineering and economic studies underpin these options. Solutions could maintain or change an existing approach in the following areas:

  • land use planning and development assessment
  • infrastructure planning and management
  • asset management
  • community planning
  • business continuity planning
  • emergency management.

Building on experience

The Plan builds on our existing coastal management efforts. We draw our experience from over 50 years of innovative research and technology. We have proven success in protecting coastal hazard affected assets. Our ongoing waterways and catchment and coastal protection activities include:

  • a multi-million-dollar investment via our Ocean Beaches Strategy 2013–2023
  • sand replenishment
  • seawall and groyne construction
  • installation of artificial reefs
  • upgrades to accessibility and infrastructure
  • ongoing cleaning, dredging and facility maintenance.

We continue to work with the following groups to access innovative research, technology, and proven experience:

  • State Government
  • Local Government Association of Queensland (LGAQ)
  • internal and external advisory groups
  • universities and research institutions
  • over 30 coastal councils in Queensland progressing their own coastal hazard adaptation strategies.

Similar work is ongoing across Australia and around the world.

Why do we have a coastal hazard adaption plan?

Anthropogenic sea level rise has the potential to impact on the functionality and durability of essential services and public and private assets. These include:

  • water supply networks and sewerage infrastructure
  • stormwater infrastructure
  • public and private buildings
  • electricity and telecommunication networks
  • roads and pathway

Extreme weather events and exposure to stronger, more intense storms will also contribute to the deterioration of other valuable assets. Such assets include recreation parks, environmental reserves and open space.

The City already undertakes a strong program of coastal management work. This enables the Gold Coast to absorb the impacts of coastal erosion. Coastal hazard planning enhances the social, economic, environmental and land use planning objectives this program of works supports.

Defending the shoreline will always remain a long-term adaptive measure to address coastal erosion. This includes along our ocean beaches and the immense and complex networks of artificial and natural waterways. The plan however considers other potential adaptive approaches such as:

  • avoid
  • build capacity, or
  • accommodate anticipated future changes.

The plan enhances our ability to identify and explore adaptation options for our city into the future. This will improve our city's resilience up to and beyond the year 2100.

What does this mean for our City Plan?

The CAP was developed based on a City-wide risk assessment, which identifies actions to amend the City Plan to ensure risks are tolerable and acceptable.

The Gold Coast City Plan details the overarching principles that guide land use and development decisions. This includes the consideration of natural hazards such as:

  • coastal erosion
  • storm tide inundation
  • future inundation due to projected sea level rise of 80 centimetres by 2100.

Coastal Adaptation Plan enquiries

Consultation continues with key asset owners and the community. If you would like further information you can email us at ourresilientcity@goldcoast.qld.gov.au.

Useful information

The City's Council Plan 2022-2027 supports the implementation of the City Vision and is structured around the 6 Gold Coast 2032 themes. It describes the priority outcomes we are working towards and our measures of success over a 5 year period. These outcomes help prioritise investments and service delivery based on our communities' aspirations.

Find out more

As the city’s destination marketing organisation, Destination Gold Coast is responsible for generating increased visitor demand, visitor arrivals, and visitor expenditure for the benefit of the city.

To ensure the sustainable success of the Gold Coast tourism industry, we partner with Destination Gold Coast to deliver the Destination Tourism Management Plan (DTMP). Note, the renewed version of this plan is currently under review.

The Destination Tourism Management Plan extends the highly successful partnership between the City of Gold Coast and the tourism industry. It is a collaborative approach to ensure the sustainable success of the Gold Coast tourism industry and aggressively capitalise on opportunities for the city as a world-class tourism destination.

The DTMP addresses the changing needs of the broader visitor economy in the Gold Coast region. It aims to build on a strong foundation which acknowledges the vital demand-side destination marketing undertaken by GCT.  By aligning the strategies, resources and efforts of industry and all levels of government, we're working towards a set of unified long-term objectives and outcomes.

This plan has been prepared by the Local Disaster Management Group for the Council of the City of Gold Coast under the provisions of Section 57(1) of the Disaster Management Act 2003.

The purpose of the Local Disaster Management Plan is to detail the arrangements for the coordination and management of resources, to ensure and maintain safety in the Gold Coast community prior to, during and after a disaster.

Visit Emergencies, disasters & outages

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