Being an employee of the City of Gold Coast involves a public trust. This means that duties must be carried out impartially and with integrity. Consequently, it is not appropriate for City employees to be offered, to accept or to give gifts and benefits that affect, may be likely to affect or could reasonably be perceived to affect, the performance of their official duties.
City employees must comply with the Public Service Commission (PSC) Directive No. 22/09 Gifts and Benefits and its associated Guidelines (as amended or replaced by the PSC from time to time) in respect to the treatment of benefits, gifts and rewards offered in connection with their duties.
A Register of Benefits and Gifts must be kept by:
- the Mayor in relation to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
- the CEO in relation to Directors, employees of the Office of the CEO and employees of the Mayoral Support Unit
- Directors in relation to employees in their directorate. Directors should ensure that their staff, including field staff, have convenient access to and are aware of the procedures for using the Register.