Water & Sewerage Connections Policy

The Water and Sewerage Connections Policy applies to any business or person who intends to connect to, or disconnect from, Council of the City of Gold Coast's (Council) water, sewerage and recycled water infrastructure. Connections, disconnections and modifications to Council's water, sewerage and recycled water services are managed in accordance with:

  • relevant legislation including South-East Queensland Water (Distribution and Retail Restructuring) Act 2009,
  • Council Water Netserv Plan (Part A), and
  • the Water and Sewerage Connections Policy Procedure.

This Water and Sewerage Connections Policy Procedure (an attachment in the policy) outlines the administrative, procedural and technical requirements for extensions, connections (including metering), disconnections and interference with Council’s water and sewerage infrastructure.

This procedure applies to the following scenarios:


  • permanent connection of a new property service (dwelling, building, park or enterprise)
  • temporary connection of a property service
  • connection to or an extension/relocation of trunk or reticulation pipes to existing infrastructure.


  • permanent disconnection of an existing property service
  • temporary disconnection of an existing property service
  • disconnection of trunk or reticulation pipes from existing infrastructure.


Relocation or modification of existing infrastructure (e.g. pipes, valves or fittings) to accommodate construction of:

  • a new building
  • stormwater drainage
  • driveway
  • footpath
  • cycleway
  • roadway
  • utility service
  • change to ground levels
  • building over or adjacent to water and sewerage infrastructure (for circumstances other than those accommodated in the Queensland Development Code (QDC) 1.4 - Building over or near relevant asset)
  • anything that may/may not require a change in the size or location of drinking water and sewerage property service connections (including demolition of an existing dwelling and construction of a new dwelling in its place)
  • any other construction works that may interfere or cause disturbance to existing infrastructure (e.g. construction of piled foundations within proximity to existing infrastructure).


Our drinking water and sewerage infrastructure does not include stormwater or drainage infrastructure, nor does it include on-lot plumbing and/or drainage works (with the exception of sub-metering). If you are planning, or engaged in, building or planning works involving plumbing and drainage, refer to the Plumbing and drainage section on our website.