Ecological restoration

As our urban areas expand and our population grows, our natural areas face increasing threats and pressure. One way that we address these threats and pressures is by undertaking ecological restoration, a process that helps degraded, damaged or destroyed ecosystems recover.

The benefits of ecological restoration include:

  • increased vegetation cover
  • increased biodiversity of native flora and fauna
  • assistance in the recovery of threatened species
  • improved soil and water quality
  • improved health of our waterways
  • a more resilient coastline
  • more beautiful places for everyone to enjoy.

We partnered with the University of Queensland and Griffith University to develop a tool that guides decisions on where to prioritise restoration works within the Gold Coast. By using this tool, we can ensure that our investment in ecological restoration is cost-effective, efficient and transparent.

Find more information on the smart allocation of restoration funds(PDF, 2MB).

On a global level, the United Nations Decade on Ecosystem Restoration 2021-2030 encourages protecting and reviving ecosystems. This action group addresses impacts about our cities, farmlands, forests, lakes and oceans and encourages ways to pledge and make a difference. View some of our projects

How we are supporting our local ecosystems

  • Investing in and delivering large scale works, including weed control and tree planting within our conservation areas, waterways, wetlands, urban bushland parks and coastal dunes. These works occur over 465 conservation parks with 3330 hectares of land under active restoration. View some of our projects
  • Coordinating community Landcare activities across 20 project sites as part of our NaturallGC Landcare, contributing up to 60,000 planted native trees.
  • Partnering with the community to care for Our Beaches.
  • Partnering with other government agencies to undertake environmental offset plantings in our conservation areas.
  • Supporting landholder programs and partnerships to assist private land managers in conserving and restoring habitat.
  • Undertaking in-stream restoration projects such as the Damian Leeding Memorial Park Foreshore stabilisation project.
  • Using integrated tools such as fire, which has the additional benefit of managing weeds and reducing fire fuel loads.

How to get involved

  • Play a part and join our NaturallyGC Volunteer Landcare Program where you can help restore our conservation areas through weed management and tree planting.
  • See if you're eligible to join Land for Wildlife or receive a free Bushland Health Check, for advice and support on restoring your property's bushland.
  • Visit What's On Gold Coast to find upcoming workshops for Our Beaches Community, helping to keep our dune ecosystems healthy.
  • Join one of our free ecological restoration workshops or guided walks to see the work we undertake through our NaturallyGC program.
  • Compost or use a green organics bin to dispose of your garden waste.

Our ecological restoration resources

South East Queensland Ecological Restoration Framework

The South East Queensland region of combined local councils has developed standards for undertaking ecological restoration projects.

The South East Queensland (SEQ) Ecological Restoration Framework is designed to guide SEQ councils, community groups and landowners to:

  • conserve and enhance biodiversity by increasing the extent, and improving the condition of, native vegetation
  • ensure long-term environmental and economic sustainability
  • ensure ongoing improvement and maintenance of ecosystem services.

The framework comprises 3 separate key documents delivered by Healthy Land and Water in partnership with the councils, outlining:

  • Code of Practice – a policy document setting out the aims of the framework
  • Guideline – a decision-making tool to guide the most appropriate course of action
  • Manual – a technical, but easy to use, guide to all aspects of ecological restoration.

More information

Please contact us on 07 5581 1537