Our dynamic city is facing a unique set of challenges now and into the future – driven by our location, biodiversity, growth and demand for services.
How we lead with solutions
We are committed to responding to those challenges. Our team consistently develops and adjusts solutions to meet our environment's needs by:
- protecting our natural assets
- implementing plans for population growth
- building sustainable communities.
One of our biggest environmental challenges is the increasing pressure of human activity. We are working to reduce the impacts and risks by:
- implementing city-wide natural asset plans
- conserving our energy and water resources
- managing our waste
- supporting ecologically sustainable development.
Our response to environmental challenges is driven by strategies, policies, plans and programs. These solutions help to enhance our biodiversity and support responsible guardianship of resources. Our work is also shaped by a range of Queensland and Commonwealth legislation. This governs the protection, management and use of our environment.
Our strategies
Our Natural City Strategy provides the foundation for our environment solutions. This strategy focuses on connecting people with nature and protecting our environment. Partnering with our community is vital to its effectiveness.
Other strategies supporting our environment solutions are:
Our policies
Important policies supporting the execution of our strategies are:
Our plans & programs
These detailed plans assist with focused delivery on priority areas:
Our research
We conduct research to inform strategic planning, policy and programs. The findings drive our environmental decision-making and solution development. Some key examples of our studies are: