Land for Wildlife
Land for Wildlife is a free membership-based program for landholders who are interested in restoring and protecting native habitat on their properties. To be eligible, landholders must have one or more hectares of bushland or land they'd like to restore to bushland.
Membership benefits
Access to our Conservation Partnerships Officers who can provide:
- expert knowledge on plant and animal identification
- advice on weed control and habitat restoration
- property visits.
A property-specific management plan that:
- includes relevant property maps
- identifies your property's habitat values and threats, e.g. weeds
- provides guidance on how to control weeds and restore native bushland.
Resources including:
- invitations to free workshops, for example, bushland restoration, native plant identification and nest box building
- a toolkit and herbicides to kick start your restoration project
- free native plants for suitable bushland restoration projects
- a guide to help save an endangered native species – The Great Black Plum Hunt(PDF, 7MB)
- educational publications including Flora and Fauna Field Guides, the quarterly Land for Wildlife newsletter, and the Gold Coast Landholders Guide(PDF, 6MB)
- a network of over 430 fellow Land for Wildlife members to share your experiences and learnings.
More information
To join Land for Wildlife, or find out how we can help you manage your bushland, please contact us on 1300 GOLDCOAST (1300 465 326) or via email: