Methods of procurement

The City of Gold Coast conducts all procurement and contracting activities in accordance with the Strategic Contracting Procedures (as defined in the Local Government Regulation 2012 Chapter 6, Part 2).

Sound contracting principles

The City complies to the sound contracting principles defined in Section 104 of the Local Government Act 2009:

  • value for money
  • open and effective competition
  • the development of competitive local business and industry
  • environmental protection
  • ethical behaviour and fair dealing.

The City generally procures goods and/or services and the disposal of non-current assets through either an open market (public invitation for tender) or a closed market (invited quotes) process.

The Procurement Policy provides for circumstances where it may not be advantageous or practical for the City to seek competitive offers, resulting in an exemption.

Public invitation to offer (tenders)

Public invitations to offer (tenders) may be advertised via any of the following methods:

  • The City's website
  • VendorPanel
  • Gold Coast Bulletin (optional)
  • Saturday edition of the Brisbane Courier Mail and/or other media (optional).

The invitation to offer document will contain details on the required method for responding.

Invited quotes

Quotes are generally requested through a closed market process but can also be requested via a public invitation to offer.

The following are recommended for businesses looking for opportunities to supply to the City:

Expression of interest

An expression of interest (EOI) process is used where there is an insufficient understanding of the capability of the supply market to provide the required goods and/or services. It is carried out as a multi-staged process; the EOI followed by an invited offer process.

The initial EOI stage is generally advertised publicly. Once the first stage of the process has been completed, a short-list of successful respondents may be further invited to offer.

Request for information

Requests for information (RFIs) are generally used when there is a need to gather more information about the size, capacity and capability of the market to satisfy a particular procurement requirement and outcome.

The City may utilise an RFI process to assist in decisions regarding potential structures for a subsequent procurement process. RFIs are not used as a basis to enter into a contractual agreement with a supplier, and unlike an EOI, RFIs do not have to be advertised publicly.


The City may enter into a contract without first inviting competitive offers for particular situations or categories of spend where it would be impractical or disadvantageous to invite quotes or tenders using exemptions as follows:

1. Single source – examples include ongoing licencing, support and maintenance to existing systems, continuity of expert advice, confidentiality

2. Sole source – examples include where only one supplier is reasonably available, proprietary brands or items, legislated requirements, procuring from an existing City arrangement

3. Procuring under a government arrangement (e.g. Federal government, state government or another local government) or a Local Government Association of Queensland (LGAQ) arrangement

4. Where a genuine emergency exists

5. The contract is for the procurement of goods made by auction or second-hand goods.

Government arrangements

The City may use government arrangements for the procurement of goods and/or services and the disposal of non-current assets, including:

  • Local government arrangements (LGAs). Register on VendorPanel to access current Government arrangements.
  • State Government (Standing Offer Arrangement (SOA))

Government arrangements can be used without first inviting competitive offers.

Significant contract

A significant contract is defined as a contract which is deemed significant in accordance with an anticipated worth more than $100 million or being a high-value, high-criticality, high-complexity or high-risk procurement.

A significant contracting plan will be developed and adopted by Council prior to going to market for each significant contract.

View our City Contracting Plan(PDF, 1MB) and Tender opportunities page for opportunities.

Pre-qualified suppliers

A pre-qualified supplier is a supplier that the City has assessed as having the technical, financial and managerial capabilities to perform contracts on time and in accordance with the agreed requirements.

A register of pre-qualified suppliers is established via a public invitation to offer process. The City will determine when to approach the market in the management of pre-qualified suppliers.

Once a register of pre-qualified suppliers has been established, further quotes from suppliers may be requested.

View our City Contracting Plan(PDF, 1MB) and Tender opportunities page for opportunities.

Preferred supplier arrangements

The City may establish a preferred supplier arrangement, where the goods and/or services are required in large volumes, on a frequent basis, or where better value for money can be achieved by accumulating the demand.

Preferred supplier arrangements are established through a public invitation to offer process.

Once the preferred supplier arrangement is established, further quotes from suppliers may be requested.

View our City Contracting Plan(PDF, 1MB) and Tender opportunities page for opportunities.