
A small garden shed for a house may be built without a building approval.

Use the following checklist to see if you need building approval:

  • Only one per site within side setbacks without approval
  • Less than 10 square metres, 2.4 metres high (2.1 metres mean height) and 5.0 metres long
  • At least 0.9m from the boundary or house when located between a house and property boundary (Building Code fire requirement)
  • When located between houses on the same property at least 1.8m from either house (Building Code fire requirement)
  • Not on common property without consent
  • Not over a sewer or stormwater
  • Not over an easement or covenant area
  • Not in a road setback or waterfront area
  • Stormwater is not a nuisance to neighbours
  • Not exceeding site cover requirements

If you do not meet these requirements, your shed may still be able to be built but it will need a building approval.

Do I need a building approval?

All sheds except small garden sheds need building approval. Contact a private building certifier to help you get an approval. For more information visit the private building certifier page.

Do I need siting approval?

The City Plan requires minimum setbacks from front and side boundaries of a property. They are usually 6.0 metres for the front and 1.5 metres for the side but can vary depending on your location.

If you can't meet the setback requirements, we can approve reduced setbacks after consideration of the impacts. A letter of non-objection from your neighbour can help.

The application for reduced setbacks is normally referred to us by your private building certifier.

For more information refer to setbacks for buildings or structures.

Do I need an amenity and aesthetics application?

An amenity and aesthetic approval may be needed if the proposed shed is large or tall for the block size.

Full details can be found in our Amenity and aesthetics declaration(PDF, 415KB).

The application for assessment of aesthetics and amenity is normally referred to us by your private building certifier.

More information

A building designer, architect or private building certifier may be able to help you with the design and approval process.

For setback enquiries, contact us on 07 5582 8708 or email

For general building enquiries, contact the Building Certification Group phone: 07 5667 5978 or email