Role of a private building certifier
Until 1998, building approvals were issued by Council. Now building approvals are usually privately certified.
Queensland refers to building surveyors as private certifiers. They are licenced by the QBCC (Queensland Building and Construction Commission) with a list on their website.
The first step to obtaining a building approval is to have drawings prepared.
Building approval process overview
- A professional prepares building proposal plans – this can be a builder, engineer, designers or architect. You may also need other consultants for special reports
- Application lodging with a private building certifier
- Other regulatory agencies receive a copy of the application; this may include Council for issues like setbacks
- Application checked against requirements and approved
- Inspect nominated stages of construction
- Final inspection and certificate issued for occupation.
A private building certifier cannot issue an approval until all other approvals, such as town planning approval by the council, have been given.
The building contractor and owner set the standard of quality and finish. The private building certifier only checks the minimum building requirements.
We get a copy of the approval and final inspection documents within five business days of issue. They help us maintain an accurate record of all buildings and structures in the city.
It is important the final certificate is issued to avoid resale and insurance issues. A final inspection is not automatic and must be requested.