Council may have copies of approved building plans and documents.
While we may be able to provide these plans and documents, our building plans officers cannot:
- identify specific documents such as footings or slab details
- verify what is contained in the file
- provide technical advice.
Plans may not be available for a structure over 10 years old.
To obtain a copy of floor plans, if the applicant is not the owner, owner's consent is required:
- If the applicant is not the owner, the owner must either complete the 'Owners Authority' section of the form or attach a letter of authority from the owner to the application. If settlement has occurred recently, then a settlement letter from the applicant's solicitor must be attached to the application. A contract of sale is not acceptable.
- If the applicant is a corporation (including a company or body corporate), an authorised officer of the corporation (e.g. a company director, body corporate chairman/secretary) must provide a letter of authority and attach to the application.
- If the property owner is a corporation (including a company or body corporate), an authorised officer of the corporation (e.g. a company director, body corporate chairman/secretary) must provide a letter of authority and attach to the application.
Applicants can get copies of other building plans without the registered owner's consent.
Plan type descriptions
Architectural (site plan, floor plan, elevations)
- The site plan shows the location of the building/s on the property.
- The floor plan shows the layout of rooms in the building/s and the dimensions of each room.
- The elevations show the external aspects (front, side, rear) of the building/s.
Structural (footing, slab, frame/bracing)
Structural drawings are prepared by a structural engineer and show the design of the footings, slab and framing of the building.
Additional structures
Provides details of alterations or additions to an existing building or new, free standing additions built on the property such as a swimming pool, garage or shed.
Site plan
You can request a copy of the original site plan for a house or the current site plan:
- The site plan shows the outline of the house as it is situated on the block of land and is the original plan submitted to Council. It does not reflect any additions or alterations that have been built on the property since this plan was submitted.
- The current site plan should show the outline of the house (may be partial) as it is situated on the land. It will show any additions or alterations to the original house and other structures, if submitted to Council.
The site plan is not a survey plan. For copies of survey plans, go to the Queensland Government website.
Termite/pest treatment certificate
The termite/pest treatment certificate shows the method of termite/pest treatment carried out.
Soil/engineer's report
The soil/engineer's report is provided when testing the soil or the load bearing capacity of the soil itself. This report is only available for buildings constructed after 1989.
Fees are payable for all search requests.
Pay fees online by credit card on submission. Please see the 'Building searches' section of the Register of fees & charges for details of the fees and refund conditions.
If you would like to pay by account, use the Application for credit account form(PDF, 167KB) to apply for a Business Partner account.
Cancellation fees may vary depending on the progress of a requested search. If you need to cancel a search, submit a request by email to