Health search

If you are looking at buying licensed premises (such as an existing food business or personal services), we recommend you apply for a health licence search to confirm there is a current approval and ensure the exiting owner is complying with licence conditions. It is not mandatory, but it is very helpful when considering buying a business.

The report will include an inspection and covers all licensable activities associated with the business. It will provide information on the current condition, including any defects within the premises.

Full details of the business (e.g. trading name, shop number) and access details are needed.

For larger premises, e.g. resorts and theme parks, contact us on 07 5667 5987 to get a quote for the search fee.


Fees are payable for all search requests.

Pay fees online by credit card on submission. Please see the Register of fees & charges for details of the fees and refund conditions. Alternatively, download the Search request fees and charges(PDF, 170KB)

If you would like to pay by account, use the Application for credit account form(PDF, 167KB) to apply for a Business Partner account.

Cancellation fees may vary depending on the progress of a requested search. If you need to cancel a search, submit a request by email to


Complete and submit our online form

Apply online

In person

Step 1.Complete the application form

Download, print and complete the Search request form(PDF, 250KB)

Step 2.Visit one of our customer service centres

Submit your application and pay at one of our customer service centres Monday to Friday between 8.15am and 4.30pm.

By mail

Step 1.Complete the application form

Download, print and complete the Search request form(PDF, 250KB)

Step 2.Send us your completed application form and fee payment

Please attach your cheque, money order or bank draft. Make it payable to ‘City of Gold Coast’ and address it to:

Chief Executive Officer
City of Gold Coast
PO Box 5042