Mapping search

The following types of map and plan searches are available:

SIS location diagram

This search can provide information where available on:

  • property boundaries
  • street names and numbers
  • Lot and Plan information
  • house sewer connection points
  • Council sewer infrastructure
  • Council stormwater infrastructure.

Easements over internal infrastructure may not be included on mapping.

Request an SIS location diagram

Infrastructure drawings sewerage

If you're planning a development, you need a property sewerage infrastructure drawing (if available) to show Council's sewerage assets that are on or near your property. This plan is important when planning the location of a building on a property so that restrictions relating to building above or near a sewer asset are followed.

Our advice includes the location of Council's sewerage mains, manholes and connection points, surface levels, infrastructure size as well as depth and invert levels. The information is specific to the parcel of land and does not usually show easements over the property.

Details of the property owner's plumbing and drainage are not provided in these results.

Request a sewerage infrastructure drawing

To request private inground sanitary drainage plans within a property, visit Drainage plans

City Plan and natural hazard mapping

Access information regarding property flood levels, building setback requirements for waterfront properties, bushfire hazard, landslide hazard and coastal erosion.

Flood information

A flood level search report summarises available flood information on a property. This can include the estimated designated flood level (for determining floor levels) and ground level at the centre of the property. However, it does not show the flood extent.

View information on flood extent and general flood information on Managing flood on the Gold Coast.

Request a flood level search report

Land structural – Canals and waterways setback

Properties that border canals and waterways have setback lines that indicate boundaries for the development of buildings or structures.

Please refer to the City Plan interactive mapping > Supporting layers > Administrative and other supporting information for the most up-to-date building setback information for the Gold Coast.

For information on foreshore seawalls (boulder wall on beachfront properties) please contact our Searches team on 07 5667 5995.

You can also refer to our Setbacks for buildings or structures page for more information.

Landslide hazard mapping

This colour-coded map is based on an assessment of landslide hazards for the Gold Coast area.

Areas are grouped into five categories according to their risk of landslide: very low, low, moderate, high, and very high.

Any proposed developments for a site in a moderate or higher hazard rating area will require a geotechnical stability assessment report to be submitted.

We are currently working on some improvements to our landslide hazard maps. See Landslide hazard mapping.

You can access these maps for free from PD Online or City Plan interactive mapping.

Request a landslip map

Bushfire hazard mapping

Our City Plan includes bushfire hazard mapping that applies to new development. The mapping helps reduce risks to life, property and the environment as a result of bushfire.

View the City Plan interactive mapping and select "Overlays > Bushfire hazard".

Alternatively, view the State Government Bushfire prone area mapping system and select "SPP assessment benchmark mapping > Natural hazards risk and resilience" from the left hand side menus.

See Bushfire hazard mapping


Fees are payable for all search requests.

Pay fees online by credit card on submission. Please see the Register of fees & charges for details of the fees and refund conditions. Alternatively, download the Search request fees and charges(PDF, 170KB)

If you would like to pay by account, use the Application for credit account form(PDF, 167KB) to apply for a Business Partner account.

Cancellation fees may vary depending on the progress of a requested search. If you need to cancel a search, submit a request by email to

How to apply


Complete and submit our online form

Apply online

In person

Step 1.Complete the application form

Download, print and complete the Search request form(PDF, 250KB)

Step 2.Visit one of our customer service centres

Submit your application and pay at one of our customer service centres Monday to Friday between 8.15am and 4.30pm.

By mail

Step 1.Complete the application form

Download, print and complete the Search request form(PDF, 250KB)

Step 2.Send us your completed application form and payment

Please attach your cheque, money order or bank draft. Make it payable to ‘City of Gold Coast’ and address it to:

Chief Executive Officer
City of Gold Coast
PO Box 5042