Bushfire hazard mapping

Our City Plan includes bushfire hazard mapping. Development within these areas is assessed against bushfire hazard code. The mapping helps reduce risks to life, property and the environment as a result of bushfire.

The City Plan bushfire hazards map is based on the mapping provided by the State government. To find out whether your property is in a bushfire hazard area:

  1. Go to the City Plan interactive mapping tool.
  2. In the Map Layers in the Map Tools to the right of the map, deselect Zones.
  3. Select Overlays and open the dropdown, select Bushfire hazard.
  4. Open the Legend to see colour-coded zones.
  5. Type your address into the search bar and choose it when it comes up.
  6. Refer to the Legend to check the level of bushfire hazard applicable to the property.

Alternatively, view the State Government Bushfire prone area mapping system and select the following from the left hand side menus:

  • SPP assessment benchmark mapping > Natural hazards risk and resilience