Landslide hazard mapping

The City Plan includes a landslide hazard overlay map and code. The overlay map is based on landslide susceptibility mapping, which identifies where landslides may potentially occur, with moderate to very high ratings. The landslide hazard overlay code regulates development taking place on land with steep and unstable slopes, to help protect residents and their properties.

We are currently reviewing our landslide hazard exposure. The review will inform a proposed update to the landslide hazard overlay map and associated code in the City Plan to improve the city's resilience to natural hazards.

Draft mapping was previously presented to the community for feedback in 2020.  As part of the review, further revised mapping is currently being developed. The proposed new mapping will use updated high-resolution photography and topography, as well as consideration of geological and other factors, to give a better representation of landslide risk.

Once the review is complete, the proposed City Plan amendment will be submitted to the State Government for consideration and assessment, followed by public consultation. Refer to the project timeline below for details. 

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Project timeline

Stage 1

Hazard identification

Phase 1 – Review of existing landslide hazard exposure

Phase 2 – Prepare draft map

Phase 3 – Community consultation

Stage 2

Draft City Plan Update

Phase 4 – Consider feedback to inform another revision to the draft map

Phase 5 – Develop revised landslide hazard map

Phase 6 – Consider risk to the community and infrastructure

Phase 7 – Finalise draft City Plan update

Stage 3


Phase 8 – State Government review

Phase 9 – Formal public consultation

Phase 10 – Consider feedback and finalise City Plan update

Stage 4


Phase 11 – Decision to adopt

Phase 12 – New version of City Plan