Major development assessment
Our Major Assessment section is a dedicated team that assesses development applications for major development proposals within the city.
The team works with applicants to resolve key planning and development issues before development applications are lodged so the process goes smoothly.
Benefits of the major assessment process are:
- clear expectations from the team for major development proposals
- commitment to any agreed timeframes and negotiations leading up to a decision on the development application.
The Major Assessment section will assess a development application if the proposal meets one of the following criteria:
- residential communities that include 300 or more lots and/or dwellings
- non-residential or mixed-use developments with 10,000 square metres or more of floor space
- development that can show employment of 100 or more people
- development that can show a capital investment value of $30 million or more (excludes residential development and land cost).
Other projects can be considered for major assessment at our discretion.
Refer to the Major assessment process flow chart(PDF, 55KB) for information regarding the application process or contact the Major Assessment section on 07 5582 8866.