Use this form for a Temporary Ground Anchors (TRO) bond assessment.
The application process has 2 parts: bond assessment and bond lodgement.
If all required supporting documents are received your application will be assessed within 10 business days of lodgement.
Application fees apply. You will be emailed a Notice to pay. Application timeframes start on receipt of all correct documentation and payment. Refer to our Register of fees & charges for fee details.
Please note: the bond payment is not required until submission of a signed agreement.
How to apply
Next steps – bond lodgement
Your application will be assessed within 10 business days of lodgement.
A letter of approval and a deed of agreement will be emailed to the applicant with instructions for completion, return of the agreements and how to make the bond payment. All correspondence will be addressed to the applicant stated on the bond assessment for temporary ground anchors application form.
Once the signed agreement has been returned to the City please allow up to 10 business days for endorsement of the agreement, the bond payment to be cleared and to ensure that the lodgement of the signed agreement has met all requirements.