Development application pre-lodgement advice

Applicants can meet with us to discuss key issues relevant to the assessment of a proposal before lodging a development application.

Pre-lodgement advice request

The pre-lodgement service provides specific advice for a development proposal.

Depending on the proposal's complexity, we will advise you if we will supply a written response or arrange a pre-lodgement meeting.

A pre-lodgement meeting is a forum for discussion and advice. It is not a detailed assessment, nor does it indicate in any way the outcome of any subsequent assessment processes.

A pre-lodgement meeting is limited to:

  • discussing a proposal's non-compliance with Planning Scheme requirements
  • identifying acceptable solutions to the specific areas of non-compliance.

Issues must be specific to your proposed development and reference specific Planning Scheme provisions and relevant codes. That is, where and how the proposal does not comply. Other issues might be raised during the assessment process.

Pre-lodgement meetings are limited to a maximum of 45 minutes. We will provide written summaries of key points discussed; however, we encourage you to take your own notes.

Mandatory documents must be provided to be validated at a pre-lodgement meeting. Requests may be refused where information is insufficient, unsuitable or where specific issues have not been identified on the form.

Pre-lodgement meetings are conducted by teleconference, video or face-to-face meetings (attendee restrictions apply for face-to-face meetings). COVID measures have been implemented to protect the health and well-being of our staff, customers and community.

Fees may apply. For meeting costs, refer to our Register of fees & charges. For more information, contact us on 1300 465 326.


Step 1.Gather your documents

You must submit the following information with your application:

  • a covering letter or short report detailing the specific issues to be discussed, for example:
    • strategic framework elements
    • performance outcomes
    • acceptable outcomes
    • a site analysis plan prepared in accordance with City Plan policy, 'Site Analysis'.
  • concept plan/s drawn to a minimum scale of 1:200 for the proposal, including the following:
    • location and nominated use of all existing buildings/structures on the allotment with dimensions from the outermost projection to the property boundary/boundaries
    • the entire allotment dimensioned showing all road frontages including the name of the road/s
    • location and nominated use of all proposed buildings/structures on the allotment, with dimensions from the outermost projection to the property boundary/boundaries
    • proposed subdivision layout, with proposed lot sizes and road frontages.
  • other documentation such as contour plans, aerial photographs, traffic analysis study.

Visit How to lodge a development application for more information on what format to submit your documents for a meeting request.

Step 2.Complete and submit our online form

Apply online

By email

Step 1.Gather your documents

You must submit the following information with your application:

  • a covering letter or short report detailing the specific issues to be discussed, for example:
    • strategic framework elements
    • performance outcomes
    • acceptable outcomes
    • a site analysis plan prepared in accordance with City Plan policy, 'Site Analysis'.
  • concept plan/s drawn to a minimum scale of 1:200 for the proposal, including the following:
    • location and nominated use of all existing buildings/structures on the allotment with dimensions from the outermost projection to the property boundary/boundaries
    • the entire allotment dimensioned showing all road frontages including the name of the road/s
    • location and nominated use of all proposed buildings/structures on the allotment, with dimensions from the outermost projection to the property boundary/boundaries
    • proposed subdivision layout, with proposed lot sizes and road frontages.
  • other documentation such as contour plans, aerial photographs, traffic analysis study.

Visit How to lodge a development application for more information on what format to submit your documents for a meeting request.

Step 2.Complete the application form

Download, print and complete the Pre-lodgement meeting request form(PDF, 394KB)

Step 3.Send us your completed application form

Email your application form and documents to:

In person

Step 1.Gather your documents

You must submit the following information with your application:

  • a covering letter or short report detailing the specific issues to be discussed, for example:
    • strategic framework elements
    • performance outcomes
    • acceptable outcomes
    • a site analysis plan prepared in accordance with City Plan policy, 'Site Analysis'.
  • concept plan/s drawn to a minimum scale of 1:200 for the proposal, including the following:
    • location and nominated use of all existing buildings/structures on the allotment with dimensions from the outermost projection to the property boundary/boundaries
    • the entire allotment dimensioned showing all road frontages including the name of the road/s
    • location and nominated use of all proposed buildings/structures on the allotment, with dimensions from the outermost projection to the property boundary/boundaries
    • proposed subdivision layout, with proposed lot sizes and road frontages.
  • other documentation such as contour plans, aerial photographs, traffic analysis study.

Visit How to lodge a development application for more information on what format to submit your documents for a meeting request.

Step 2.Complete the application form

Download, print and complete the Pre-lodgement meeting request form(PDF, 394KB)

Step 3.Visit one of our customer service centres

Submit your application in the following format:

  • 1 hard copy, and
  • 1 digital copy in PDF format of all information submitted with your request. Please make sure the digital copy matches the hard copy.

Submit your application at one of our customer service centres Monday to Friday between 8.15am and 4.30pm.

By mail

Step 1.Gather your documents

You must submit the following information with your application:

  • a covering letter or short report detailing the specific issues to be discussed, for example:
    • strategic framework elements
    • performance outcomes
    • acceptable outcomes
    • a site analysis plan prepared in accordance with City Plan policy, 'Site Analysis'.
  • concept plan/s drawn to a minimum scale of 1:200 for the proposal, including the following:
    • location and nominated use of all existing buildings/structures on the allotment with dimensions from the outermost projection to the property boundary/boundaries
    • the entire allotment dimensioned showing all road frontages including the name of the road/s
    • location and nominated use of all proposed buildings/structures on the allotment, with dimensions from the outermost projection to the property boundary/boundaries
    • proposed subdivision layout, with proposed lot sizes and road frontages.
  • other documentation such as contour plans, aerial photographs, traffic analysis study.

Visit How to lodge a development application for more information on what format to submit your documents for a meeting request.

Step 2.Complete the application form

Download, print and complete the Pre-lodgement meeting request form(PDF, 394KB).

Step 3.Send us your completed application form

Submit your application in the following format:

  • 1 hard copy, and
  • 1 digital copy in PDF format of all information submitted with your request. Please make sure the digital copy matches the hard copy.

Post to:

Development Assessment Review Team (DART)
Waterside East Building
9 Holden Place
Bundall QLD 4217