Find out about the different types of development applications and when to use them.
A material change of use is applicable when the way a property is being used is altered.
A reconfiguring a lot application is applicable when lots are subdivided, amalgamated and involve boundary realignments.
An application is required for development activities such as excavating, clearing trees/vegetation, roadworks, infrastructure and erecting an advertising sign.
Combined applications are two or more application types lodged together.
A streamlined process to assess and decide low-complexity development applications.
Applications where a design does not meet the normal setback, site cover, height or amenity and aesthetics requirements for residential properties.
Generally in accordance is limited to a small deviation from approved plans.
Confirmation that no development approval is required.
A management plan may be required to satisfy conditions imposed on a development approval.
A home-based business can operate from a dwelling where the business is secondary to the residence.
A road is any area of land that has been set aside by legislation for the present or future use of the travelling public.
An environmental offset compensates for any unavoidable loss of local environmental values caused by a development.
Final development approvals and plan of development for central Robina only.
This area has been identified to deliver economic development and development for community purposes.
A specialist team dedicated to assessing major developments.
There are various types of change applications available subject to the existing development approval.
You may need approval from us before removing or pruning trees and vegetation on your property.
We have an assessment and approval process that ensures driveway and vehicular crossings meet Council standards.
City Plan Version 9 became a superseded planning scheme on 4 July 2023 when City Plan Version 10 commenced.