Driveways & vehicular crossings

Driveways & vehicular crossings diagram

Difference between a driveway and a vehicular crossing

A driveway is on private land. It starts at the dwelling (e.g. house), garage or carport and ends at the property boundary.

A vehicular crossing is on public land. It starts at the property boundary and ends at the road.

Property owners are responsible for constructing and maintaining the vehicular crossing.

Vehicular crossing approval – do I need it?

You need Council approval to construct a vehicular crossing.

Note: Vehicular crossings and driveways should be assessed before building approval is given for a dwelling, garage or carport to make sure it meets current legislative requirements.

Use the interactive questionnaire below to determine if you need approval for your vehicular crossing works.

If vehicular crossing works approval is required, you will be linked to the online checklist to confirm which type of application you require.

Click here to view form.

If you get building approval before a vehicular crossing or driveway approval, you might have to modify the building work to accommodate the vehicular crossing. Property owners are responsible for any changes to building work, which can be expensive.

A full list of requirements for driveways and vehicular crossings is available in Table 9.4.2– 1 to 9.4.2– 4 of the City Plan.

Driveway approvals are regulated by the City Plan Driveways and vehicular crossings code.

Where a driveway meets the self-assessable criteria, no further assessment is needed from the City for an operational works approval.

For Dual occupancy, Dwelling house and Multiple dwellings the required standard is the Queensland Development Code – NMP1.1 Driveways

All other land uses are – AS/NZS 2890.1:2004 – Parking facilities – Part 1: Off-street car parking.

Maintenance, repair or modification of vehicular crossing

A vehicular crossing must be maintained, repaired or modified so that it is safe and complies with our standards.

We may issue a Work Notice if we believe a vehicle crossover has not been maintained, repaired or modified to our standards. Remedial work must be carried out within 5 days of the notice being issued.

Report non-compliant driveways/vehicular crossings

To report a non-compliant driveway or vehicular crossing using our online form, visit our Report a problem – Development compliance page.

More information

Contact our Development Compliance team on 07 5667 5978 or by email: