Infrastructure works

An Operational works – Infrastructure application is required when triggered under the City Plan (Table 5.8.2) or by the Planning Regulation 2017, Schedule 10.

Examples of the works triggered for Operational work – Infrastructure includes:

  • providing infrastructure for the development of a subdivision
  • upgrades to Council's services as a result of conditions of approval from a Reconfiguration of lot or Material change of use application
  • connections to Council's services such as stormwater, water and sewer
  • providing electrical lighting and reticulation associated with a development.

Operational works – Infrastructure applications are broken into subcategories for the purpose of fee determination. Details of the subcategories and relevant fees for the application can be found on Register of fees & charges.

How to apply

Use this form to apply for an Operational works application. Fees apply. Refer to our Register of fees & charges for details.

Refer to How to lodge development application for information on application forms and other relevant supporting documentation.

For more information please contact us on 07 5582 8708.


Step 1.Gather your documents

Refer to the list of application forms in the section below. Complete the relevant forms and prepare your supporting documentation.

Step 2.Complete the application form

Once you have all your supporting documentation, download, print and complete all forms.

Step 3.Submit our online form

Apply online

In person

Step 1.Gather your documents

Refer to the list of application forms in the section below. Complete the relevant forms and prepare your supporting documentation.

Step 2.Complete the application form

Once you have all your supporting documentation, download, print and complete all forms.

Step 3.Visit one of our customer service centres

Submit your application and pay at one of our customer service centres Monday to Friday between 8.15am and 4.30pm.

By mail

Step 1.Gather your documents

Refer to the list of application forms in the section below. Complete the relevant forms and prepare your supporting documentation.

Step 2.Complete the application form

Once you have all your supporting documentation, download, print complete and complete all forms.

Step 3.Send us your application form and payment

Post to:

Planning Assessment, City Development
Economy Planning & Environment
PO Box 5042
Gold Coast MC QLD 9726

Application for operational works

The below form/s and the State Government DA Form 1 must be completed and submitted to the City at the time of lodgement.

Application for approval of street lighting

The below form/s and the State Government DA Form 1 must be completed and submitted to the City at the time of lodgement.