Do I need a development application?

To work out if your project needs development approval, use our online tools below.

Interactive mapping

Go to our interactive mapping page to find the following information:

  • Zoning – the zoning of your property will help to determine the type of development that may occur on your site.
  • Overlays – overlays display the unique characteristics for each property such as protected areas, flood risks and valuable resources. Different property characteristics may affect the category of development assessment needed for a planning and development application.

How to locate your property

  1. Type your property into the search bar and hit enter.
  2. The property will appear on the map with a highlighted border.
  3. Select the tabs on the left-hand side of the map to access contents.

How to generate a property report

  1. Locate the property by following the steps above.
  2. Select 'View a City Plan property report' on the pop-up window.
  3. If you need a hard copy, the report can be printed.

City Plan

Once you have your property report, you can find out more about development requirements in the City Plan. The City Plan will help you work out what parts of the planning scheme apply to your proposal and what information you need to provide in your development application.


See Buying & researching property for more information about the different types of property searches available. Visit Lodging a search request to submit a search request online.

PD Online

PD Online is a free self-help planning and development tool, used to access basic property information and find details of development applications by property or by application number.

Pre-lodgement meetings

Pre-lodgement meetings are available for applicants to discuss non-compliance of a proposal with City Plan requirements and identify alternative acceptable solutions before formal lodgement of an application.

See Development application pre-lodgement advice for more information.

The information found within the interactive mapping and the City Plan will help you to determine whether you will need to submit a development application to us.

Building & development on cultural and heritage sites

Development on a local heritage place is regulated by the Queensland Heritage Act 1992, the Queensland Heritage Regulation 2015 and other relevant planning legislation. Parts of the City Plan also apply, particularly section 8.2.9 Heritage overlay code.

For more information visit Building and development on cultural and heritage sites.

More information

Contact us on 07 5582 8708 or email