How to lodge a development application

Development applications can be submitted using one of the options below. Find out about the types of development applications available for lodgement. Information on preparing your Development Application can be found further down.

Lodging a development application online

When lodging an application online, all application correspondence must be submitted in PDF format without password protection.

Please note: online lodgement is only available for new (initial) applications. Email any additional application correspondence (e.g. information responses) to

Application documentation is to be submitted as follows:

  • Forms
  • Owner's consent
  • Supporting documents
  • Plans
  • Specialist reports

File size limit

Total attachments must not exceed 1000MB. If you require further assistance, please contact the Development Assessment Review Team (DART) on 07 5582 9053 or email

Apply online

Help preparing your application

For help preparing your application, select one of the following application types.

How to prepare Material change of use and Reconfiguration of a lot applications

Your development application must be:

  • submitted in the approved form to the assessment manager, and
  • accompanied by:
    • the documents required under the State and Council forms
    • the written consent of the owner of the premises which is the subject of the application (use State Government DA Form 1 for obtaining owner's consent from an individual and/or company)
    • the required fee. Refer to our Register of fees & charges.

Owner's consent

All current registered owners must provide written consent for Material change or use or Reconfiguring a lot applications.

Advisory notes

  • Where a change of ownership of the premises has occurred within the last 6 months, a copy of the solicitor's letter or title documentation advising the transfer date is recommended to be submitted with the application.
  • Where a power of attorney has been granted authority to sign for an owner, a certified/signed copy of the power of attorney documentation including dealing numbers is recommended to be submitted with the application.

Where the owner is a company or corporation, written consent is required as follows:

  • the ACN; and
  • the names, titles and signature(s) of
    a. two directors of the company, or
    b. a director and the company secretary, or
    c. the sole director plus written confirmation that the company has only one director.

Where the owner includes a body corporate, written consent is required as follows:

  • the body corporate seal; and
  • body corporate
    • resolution providing written consent to the making of the application, including the names, titles and signature(s) of the chairperson and one member, or
    • letter of written consent to the making of the application including the names, titles and signature(s) of the chairperson and the secretary, or
    • letter of written consent to the making of the application from each lot/unit owner included in the body corporate.

Other ownership arrangements

  • Leased land – the lessors of the land must give owner's consent.
  • Dedicated parkland – the owner or the trustee, within the terms of the trust or reserve, must give owner's consent.

Supporting documentation

Documentation as required to support the development application in accordance with the City Plan, including but not limited to:

  • planning assessment report
  • proposal details including covering letter, site analysis plan, planning assessment report, any alternate outcomes proposed and conclusion (if impact assessable address the Strategic framework)
  • economic needs analysis (material change of use only)
  • visual impact analysis (material change of use only)
  • a photo montage or perspective of the proposed development
  • City Plan codes – relevant to the subject site and the proposed development:
    • Statewide codes
    • Overlay codes
    • Zone codes
    • Development/use codes.

Visit the Planning our city page to access the City Plan and interactive mapping tool.

Plans and drawings

Plans and drawings as required to support the development application in accordance with the City Plan, including but not limited to:

Material change of use

  • Floor plans and elevations
  • Site plan
  • Site analysis plan

Reconfiguring a lot

  • Subdivisional proposal plan (site plan)
  • Slope analysis plan
  • Building envelope plan
  • Proposed earthworks plan
  • Site analysis plan
  • Other drawings/photographs relevant to the development

Specialist reports

Reports as required to support the development application in accordance with the City Plan, including but not limited to:

  • Statement of landscape intent
  • Bushfire management plan
  • Waste management
  • Acoustic report
  • Traffic impact assessment
  • Stormwater management plan
  • Effluent disposal areas
  • Ecological assessment
  • Acid sulphate soils investigation and management plan

Infrastructure charges

Infrastructure charges vary depending on where the development is located and what previous contributions have been paid. You will need to complete and submit the Infrastructure charge proposal summary form(PDF, 407KB) . For more information, visit the Infrastructure charges page.

Infrastructure charges forms are not required for the following material change of use applications:

  • work from home
  • preliminary applications.

Infrastructure charges forms are not required for the following reconfiguring a lot applications:

  • boundary realignments
  • access easements
  • volumetric subdivisions
  • preliminary applications.

How to prepare Operational works applications

Your development application must be:

  • submitted in the approved form to the assessment manager, and
  • accompanied by:
    a. the documents required under the State and Council forms
    b. the required fee. Refer to our Register of fees & charges.
    c. owner's consent (if required under S51 of the Planning Act 2016).

Supporting documentation

Documentation as required to support the development application, including but not limited to:

  • cover letter outlining proposal
  • copy of previous planning approval (if applicable)
  • report outlining assessment against relevant codes
  • engineering drawing application checklist(PDF, 1020KB)
  • evidence of one of the following as part of the application lodgement (for portable long service levy):
    a. payment of levy, or
    b. payment of the first instalment of levy, or
    c. o an exemption from payment of levy, or
    d. an exemption from immediate payment of levy.

Plans and drawings

Registered Professional Engineer of QLD (RPEQ) certified plans are necessary. Plans must be submitted as a PDF in A3 size and contain the information detailed in the Engineering drawings checklist(PDF, 1020KB)

Specialist reports

Reports as required to support the development application, including but not limited to:

  • Flood search report
  • Hydraulics report
  • Stormwater management plan
  • Geotechnical report
  • Dewatering management plan
  • Lake management study
  • Waterway study
  • Water quality management plan

Types of specialist reports for environmental, open space, landscaping and tree works matters:

  • Detailed landscape plan
  • Bushfire management plan
  • Ecological assessment
  • Open space management plan
  • Arborist report / tree assessment plan / tree management plan
  • Effluent disposal plan
  • Acid sulphate soils investigation and management plan

Specific plan requirements for Operational works non-tidal development works

Plans must:

  • show dimensions, full constructional details, reduced level of the revetment wall and maintained water level in City of Gold Coast controlled lakes to scale, design criteria and parameters including live loads, wind load, flood levels, stream flow velocity design loading, maximum size specifications of vessel to use the structure, etc.

The anchoring connection of the structure must be designed independent of the revetment wall so there will be no additional loading on the wall that would negatively impact upon its structural integrity.

The plans must include the proposed structure and its fixtures must not impose any additional loads on the existing revetment wall.

All plans must include the required design and safety criteria and be certified by an RPEQ, bearing an original signature.

Requirements for proposed boat ramps

Ramp design must meet the minimum scour protection specifications as detailed on the City standard drawing number 05-04-005. Independently drafted and submitted plans must include and indicate all design criteria as specified on the City standard drawing number 05-04-005. If the City standard drawings are to be used as application plans submitted for consideration, the "Details to be completed" table must be completed in full for all boat ramp applications.

Requirements for non-standard driveway applications

The following items are required to be completed and submitted with your operational works non-standard driveway application:

Provide an aerial view site plan, which details information as shown in the Site Plan Template and in RS-049 standard drawing:

  • the distance to the side property boundary if within 2 metres or less
  • the width of the verge (distance from the property boundary to the road)
  • any street trees within 3 metres of the proposed vehicular crossing
  • any services within 1 metre of the proposed vehicular crossing
  • the kerb tapers, whether they are internal or external
  • the width of the vehicular crossing at the kerb and at the property boundary
  • a plan of the site in its entirety showing the complete area of works proposed.

Provide a longitudinal section plan which details information as shown in the Cross-Section Template and in RS-050 standard drawing:

  • the proposed transition lengths
  • the proposed transition gradients as a percentage (for example: either 1 in 8 or 12.5%)
  • the gradient of the road at property boundary if it exceeds 3%
  • RL or height above kerb invert values, ensure 250 millimetres above kerb invert is acquired to ensure stormwater is contained within the road reserve as per requirement of Queensland Urban Drainage Manual (Q.U.D.M.)
  • if the crossing is on steep land, you may be asked to provide additional long sections.

Supporting documents including completed Code Template or completed checklist. (The applicant must address compliance with the Driveways and Vehicular crossings Code 9.4.2 of the City Plan.)

For heavy duty or rural crossing applications please refer to RS-051 and RS-056 respectively.

It is advisable that the services of an RPEQ be engaged to prepare the site plan and longitudinal plan where the proposed VXO varies significantly from the City's Standards.

Assessment process

To issue a development permit for a non-standard driveway operational works, you must complete the following two stages:

1. Pre-assessment stage: to confirm that the application is 'properly made'

If all required documents are submitted and applicable fees paid, City will issue a 'Confirmation Notice'. This will confirm that the application is properly made.

Where information provided is not complete or fees are not received, we will issue an 'Action Notice'. This will request the applicant to take an action, such as amending forms or payment of fees. Upon fulfilling requested action(s) in the action notice, we will issue a confirmation notice.

2. Assessment stage: to verify that the proposal complies with the criteria outlined in the City Plan

Assessment of applications do not commence until the application is properly made.

An assessment officer will start assessing the application after it is properly made. At this stage, we will issue an 'Information Request' if we need more information or clarification. The assessment officer will resume assessment upon receipt of a response to the information request. Otherwise, City will make a decision and forward it to the applicant. You will then be allowed to book pre-pour and post-pour inspections.

After successful completion of both pre-pour and post-pour inspections, we will send you a letter confirming completion of the works.

Please note: If the application for a licence is not approved and the design is not acceptable (before inspecting the site) we will advise the applicant accordingly, along with possible options. A reinspection fee will not apply if the design is not approved at this stage.

Failure to comply

If there are no existing operational work development permits for a non-standard vehicular crossing:

  • the building work for a dwelling, carport or garage to which access is provided must be consistent with the City Plan's requirements for a standard vehicular crossing (and a private certifier cannot approve building work that is inconsistent); or
  • if a standard vehicular crossing cannot be achieved, a private certifier is prohibited from giving building approval for building work (for a dwelling, garage or carport) until an operational work development permit is given for a non-standard vehicular crossing.

Seeking to obtain the City's approval for a non-standard vehicular crossing after building work approval or construction of the building can be problematic, as a favourable decision may not achievable due to any non-compliances with the City Plan and the City's requirements. Non-standard vehicular crossings which do not meet the City's requirements can cause damage to private vehicles as well as the City's infrastructure and is not likely to be supported by the City.

How to prepare change or extension to development approvals

Your application must be:

  • submitted in the approved form to the assessment manager, and
  • accompanied by:
    a. the documents required under the State and Council forms
    b. the written consent of the owner of the premises which is the subject of the application
    c. the required fee. Refer to our Register of fees & charges.

Owner's consent

All current registered owners must provide written consent for changes to development approvals for Material change or use or Reconfiguring a lot applications.

Advisory notes

Where a change of ownership of the premises has occurred within the last 6 months, a copy of the solicitor's letter or title documentation advising the transfer date is recommended to be submitted with the application.

Where a power of attorney has been granted authority to sign for an owner, a certified/signed copy of the power of attorney documentation including dealing numbers is recommended to be submitted with the application.

Where the owner is a company or corporation, written consent is required as follows:

  • the ACN; and
  • the names, titles and signature(s) of
    a. two directors of the company, or
    b. a director and the company secretary, or
    c. the sole director plus written confirmation that the company has only one director.

Where the owner includes a body corporate, written consent is required as follows:

  • the body corporate seal; and
  • body corporate
    a. resolution providing written consent to the making of the application, including the names, titles and signature(s) of the chairperson and one member, or
    b. letter of written consent to the making of the application including the names, titles and signature(s) of the chairperson and the secretary, or
    c. letter of written consent to the making of the application from each lot/unit owner included in the body corporate.

Other ownership arrangements

  • Leased land – the lessors of the land must give owner's consent.
  • Dedicated parkland – the owner or the trustee, within the terms of the trust or reserve, must give owner's consent.

To ensure your application is processed as soon as possible:

  • provide all information as required by the Council application form such as; owner's consent, notice of referral, specialist reports and any other documents to support the request
  • clearly identify the type of change being made to the development approval
  • provide a clear description of each change and the conditions they affect
  • ensure all changes are clearly marked on the relevant plans
  • provide a full set of plans, not just those pages that have been amended.

How to prepare pre-lodgement advice requests

You must submit the following information with your application:

  • a covering letter or short report detailing the specific issues to be discussed, for example:
    • strategic framework elements
    • performance outcomes
    • acceptable outcomes
    • a site analysis plan prepared in accordance with City Plan policy, 'Site Analysis'.
  • concept plan/s drawn to a minimum scale of 1:200 for the proposal, including the following:
    • location and nominated use of all existing buildings/structures on the allotment with dimensions from the outermost projection to the property boundary/boundaries
    • the entire allotment dimensioned showing all road frontages including the name of the road/s
    • location and nominated use of all proposed buildings/structures on the allotment, with dimensions from the outermost projection to the property boundary/boundaries
    • proposed subdivision layout, with proposed lot sizes and road frontages
  • other documentation such as contour plans, aerial photographs, traffic analysis study.

When submitting your meeting request online or via email to please note the criteria below:

  • electronic files submitted to the City must be in PDF format
  • PDF files must be created by a software program, not scanned
  • PDF files must be unlocked
  • PDF files must not be password protected
  • please do not zip the files
  • all forms and reports should be in portrait formatting and plans in landscape format
  • emails up to a maximum of 50MB can be accepted at one time or alternatively request a Dropbox link from DART.

Please contact the Pre-lodgement Team at to discuss your submission.

When submitting your meeting request via post or in person at a customer service centre you must submit:

  • one hard copy, and
  • one digital copy in PDF format of all information submitted with your request. Please ensure that the submitted digital copy in PDF format is an exact replication of the submitted hard copy.

To further assist during the meeting, applicants are required to bring along an additional hardcopy of the proposed plans in the appropriate size for the scale of the proposed development.