As constructed data standards & guidelines
We have an as constructed data standard that incorporates the Asset Design As Constructed (ADAC) specification, as well as standards for asset types not included within the ADAC specification. The as constructed data standard applies to the following infrastructure asset types:
- roads
- drainage
- open space
- water
- sewerage
- cadastre (as a reference feature)
- site improvements
- buildings.
ADAC specification
ADAC has been adopted by all local governments within South East Queensland and is supported by the Institute of Public Works Engineering Australia.
The South East Queensland Design and Construction Code that applies to water and sewer asset types also specifies ADAC as the region's As Constructed Data Specification.
Visit the Institute's Information for land developers page to download the ADAC Schema/Data Dictionary
City of Gold Coast As Constructed Data Dictionary
We have expanded on the ADAC specification to specify the as constructed data required for asset types excluded from ADAC. Our As Constructed Data Capture Guidelines detail the instructions on the as constructed data requirements for each asset type that we manage.
As Constructed Data Dictionary for City non ADAC Assets(PDF, 2MB)
ADAC schema
(ADAC Data Dictionary)
City non ADAC assets
(City Data Dictionary)
As constructed data standard
Compliance with the as constructed data standard
Compliance with the as constructed data standard is measured, in part, by assessing as constructed submissions against the version of the guidelines that was current at the time of development approval or execution of a contract.
These dates are:
Version 2 – ADAC 5.01 – 12 May 2020
City of Gold Coast As Constructed Data Capture Guidelines version 2(PDF, 2MB)
Version 1.3 – ADAC 4.2 – October 2016 to 11 May 2020
City of Gold Coast As Constructed Data Capture Guidelines version 1.3(PDF, 4MB)