Development on local heritage places

Local heritage places are those places recognised for their cultural heritage significance to the Gold Coast and entered on the Gold Coast Local Heritage Register. Local heritage places are also identified in the City Plan Heritage Overlay.

Development on local heritage places is regulated under the Queensland Heritage Act 1992, the Queensland Heritage Regulation 2015 and other planning legislation. Parts of the City Plan also apply, particularly:

Development refers to all types of work on a local heritage place including:

  • reconfiguring a lot
  • material change of use
  • operational work and building work.

Building work includes types of work not normally thought of as development such as:

  • altering, repairing and removing:
    • significant artefacts (such as furniture, fittings)
    • building finishes (such as paint, wallpaper, plaster)
  • altering, repairing, maintaining or moving built, natural or landscape features of the place
  • excavating, filling, or other disturbances that damage, expose or move archaeological artefacts.

Some local heritage places are also of state cultural heritage significance and entered on the Queensland Heritage Register as places of significance to the people of Queensland. Development on State Heritage Places are regulated under the Queensland Heritage Act 1992. Development approval must be sought from the State administering authority.

Heritage Exemption Certificate

Development works that will have no more than a minor impact on the cultural heritage significance of a local heritage place may be eligible for a Heritage Exemption Certificate. For more information, please refer to Section 6.11 City Plan policy – Heritage management.

Apply for a Heritage Exemption Certificate online using the link below.

Apply online

Contact us

Contact our Cultural Heritage Team for assistance and more information about development on a local heritage place.
