Planning for economic growth

We regularly review the City Plan to ensure it remains current and able to respond to emerging planning issues. A key focus is ensuring that land zoned for economic development, especially land zoned Centre, Industry, Mixed-use and Innovation, continue to support the economic aspirations of our city.

The Productive Gold Coast project collects and analyses data on employment trends across the Gold Coast and how these changing trends can be recognised and optimised through the City Plan.

Centres investigation

Review character assessment studies and recent technical reports as well as analysis of current data on expenditure and visitation frequencies.

Mixed-use investigation

Mixed-use zoning is usually along major arterial roads. The land audit measures the diversity of economic activity for further analysis.

Industrial land

Research and analysis of land uses in industrial precincts. The project investigates the role of industrial clustering, land suitability, land use changes, growth prospects, current trends, key barriers and opportunities. It also includes businesses operating in the marine industry precinct in Coomera.

Emerging trends of work

Data collection and analysis of emerging trends of work such as home-based work, co-working facilities and creative hotspots.