Superseded & historical planning schemes

Under the Planning Act 2016, a person may request that a proposed development be assessed and decided under the superseded planning scheme. A request to lodge an application under a superseded planning scheme must be made within one year of the new planning scheme (City Plan) taking effect. The application may be approved or refused.

City Plan versions and superseded timeline(PDF, 29KB)

City Plan

To access superseded and historic versions of the City Plan visit our City Plan webpage.

Step 1. Click City Plan button under the search bar.

Step 2. At the top of the menu on the left-hand side of the page, click Change.

Step 3. Select version from pop up box.

Gold Coast Planning Scheme

To access historic versions of the previous planning scheme, visit Our Living City Gold Coast Planning Scheme

Request to apply superseded planning scheme


Step 1.Gather your documents

You will need to complete the following supporting documents:

  • a statement about whether the person making the request is asking the local government to accept, assess and decide a superseded planning scheme application or to apply a superseded planning scheme to the carrying out of development that was accepted development under the superseded planning scheme
  • an approved superseded planning scheme request form or complete the online form that includes applicant details, property address and owner's consent
  • supporting materials (including a planning report containing justification for the request, a comparison table between the superseded planning scheme and the current planning scheme, supporting drawings)
  • fee payment.

Step 2.Complete and submit our online form

Apply online

In person

Step 1.Gather your documents

You will need to complete the following supporting documents:

  • a statement about whether the person making the request is asking the local government to accept, assess and decide a superseded planning scheme application or to apply a superseded planning scheme to the carrying out of development that was accepted development under the superseded planning scheme
  • an approved superseded planning scheme request form or complete the online form that includes applicant details, property address and owner's consent
  • supporting materials (including a planning report containing justification for the request, a comparison table between the superseded planning scheme and the current planning scheme, supporting drawings)
  • fee payment.

Step 2.Complete the application form

Download, print and complete the Request to apply superseded planning scheme form(PDF, 381KB)

Step 3.Visit one of our customer service centres

Submit your application and pay at one of our customer service centres (Monday to Friday between 8.15am and 4.30pm).