Pet education

Companion animals play an important role in our society and can bring enjoyment to your household. Pets that are not managed responsibly, though, can have negative impacts on community safety, the environment, and the animal's own welfare.

We run proactive community education programs to build your understanding of:

  • how to safely interact with pets
  • how to reduce and manage problem behaviours
  • the importance of responsible pet ownership.

On this page you will find information on:

We care about PETS

Pet Education and Training Sessions (PETS) commence in October. Take advantage of our free sessions to better understand dog behaviour, body language and wildlife avoidance. Learn more from a pet expert on how to keep pets safe and avoid dangers to wildlife. These events are information sessions only, no dogs are allowed.

Check out our Pet Education and Training Sessions

Visit What's On Gold Coast for more information or to make a booking – spaces are limited.

Go to What's On Gold Coast

School education – Be Pet Smart

Be Pet Smart is a free program offered to early learning childhood centres, primary schools, outside school hours care groups and vacation care centres.

This interactive presentation is delivered in your environment and provides essential information relating to responsible pet ownership and dog bite prevention.

Learning outcomes include:

  • how to identify and read common dog body language to develop a better understanding of how to behave safely around animals
  • understanding the responsibilities and rules of pet ownership and how they affect the community and environment
  • being aware of the importance of choosing an appropriate pet for your needs
  • general requirements to care for your pet
  • the City's role in managing responsible pet ownership.

The Be Pet Smart live performance features the Animal Management mascots, Gee Cee Dog and Cee Cee Cat, accompanied by an Animal Management host. The team perform their fun and interactive songs focusing on safe behaviours when interacting with pets and responsible pet ownership.

The program includes:

Teaching kit(PDF, 615KB)

Pat and Play Safely fact sheet(PDF, 2MB)

We also have fact sheets for families – families can email us at for copies.

Make a school-based booking

All school education programs are a free service to help educate young children on responsible pet ownership. The shows are funded by the City and conducted by a professional talent company. Cancellations within 3 days, though, will incur a fee.

To make a booking, complete this form: Be Pet Smart school-based education program form(PDF, 124KB)
and email it to

We will contact you when we receive your application.

Events – education display and Be Pet Smart show

Our Animal Management team are available to assist with community engagement at:

  • community events
  • family fun days
  • fetes
  • open days
  • school expos.

We will provide an education display and promote our services to help educate the community about responsible pet ownership and dog bite prevention. This display can be a 3m x 3m or a 6m x 3m display with brochures, fact sheets and promotional items including children's activity books.

The Be Pet Smart live performance – featuring the Animal Management mascots, Gee Cee Dog and Cee Cee Cat, accompanied by an Animal Management host can be requested for consideration at your event.

Make an event booking

Approved shows are funded by the City and conducted by a professional talent company. Cancellations within 3 days will incur a fee.

To make a booking, complete this form: Be Pet Smart event booking request form(PDF, 722KB)
and email it to:

We will contact you when we receive your application.

For more information, please contact us on 07 5667 5990.

Information sessions – Animal Management's role in our community

One of our experienced officers can deliver a free presentation and answer questions. Topics covered include:

  • local laws of animal keeping
  • common complaints and the City's process for dealing with requests
  • how the community can assist us with animal-related issues
  • responsible pet ownership
  • animal health and wellbeing.

To book, email your enquiry to or contact our Animal Management team on 07 5667 5990 for more information.

Walk with me program

Active pets are healthy pets. The Walk with me program is a 'pawfect' opportunity to learn more about your pooch from pet experts who'll provide tips and knowledge on topics such as:

  • dog walking skills
  • socialisation
  • lead aggression
  • basic body language
  • behaviour and off leash area etiquette.

Trainers and Animal Management staff will be available throughout the walk to provide a positive experience for you and your dog.

Walk with me sessions will return in 2025.

Some conditions apply to inclusion in the Walk with me program. They include:

  • this is a dog-only walk – no other animals are permitted
  • dogs must be fully vaccinated and registered to attend walks
  • they should also have recently had flea and worming treatment (within 3 weeks leading up to the walk)
  • all dogs must wear a collar with an identification tag and be on leash at all times.

If your dog displays problem behaviour that may negatively impact the group or your dog's future socialisation, trainers will speak with you and offer alternative advice so you can achieve a better outcome for you and your pet.

Participants acknowledge and agree that attending these walks are at their own risk. Participants release City of Gold Coast from all claims and liability arising from any injury, loss or damage to any property, arising from attendance to the walk.

We value your feedback on how to further engage and connect the Gold Coast community on responsible pet ownership.