New dog registration

Dog registration and microchipping is important as it helps us return your dog to you if it's ever lost.

All dogs must be microchipped and registered from 12 weeks of age or after 14 days of coming into the city to live. Dogs must wear a dog registration tag at all times when outside their place of residence.

You can register your dog for one year (to 31 August – we call this 'one period') or for 3 years (we call this '3 periods').

Discounts apply if you register for 3 years.

Note: If you wish to transfer ownership of an already registered dog, the previous owner must first cancel their registration.

Find out about the types of registration or register your dog now.

Desexed dog

We offer discounted registration for desexed dogs.

To receive the discount, you must provide evidence that your dog has been desexed. You can provide any one of the following:

  • copy of the vet's desexing certificate
  • copy of a previous registration paper from another local government area which states the dog is desexed
  • a letter from a veterinary surgeon who has sighted the dog is desexed
  • Statutory Declaration witnessed by a Commissioner for Declarations or Justice of the Peace stating the dog is desexed.

Entire dog

An entire dog is a dog that has not been desexed.

Dog under six months (not desexed)

We offer registration for young dogs aged under six months that have not been desexed.

This reduced registration is only available until the end of the current registration period (to 31 August), while you decide whether to have your dog desexed.

Dogs Queensland

We offer discounted registration to dogs owned by current members of endorsed association, Dogs Queensland.

To apply for the discount, you must show us your current membership card.

Dangerous or menacing dogs

If we have declared your dog is either dangerous or menacing, you will need to pay an increased registration fee and comply with specific keeping conditions.

Dangerous or menacing dog declarations from a previous local authority will need the application for registration submitted in person and will be assessed by an authorised officer.

Pensioner concessions do not apply.

Assistance dogs

If you own a guide, hearing, therapy or assistance dog, you do not need to pay a dog registration fee (subject to approval). You must still register and microchip your dog, but the registration fee is nil if your application is approved.

To receive free registration for an assistance dog:

  • your dog must be defined as an assistance animal under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992
  • you must ensure that your dog's behaviour meets the standards required for an assistance dog in a public place
  • you must provide one of the options below:
    • proof of certification, i.e. identity card for handlers, trainers and puppy carers
    • a letter from a medical practitioner confirming the person’s disability and that the animal alleviates the effect of the disability; and a statutory declaration stating the dog is trained to assist with the owner’s disability.

Pensioner concession

If you hold a current Queensland issued Pensioner Concession Card you may be eligible for a concession of half the prescribed fee. This concession is for the first two dogs only. You will need to provide proof of benefits.

Consent may be required for Council to confirm your eligibility for this concession with Services Australia.

If you have a permit for additional dogs, the third and subsequent dogs will be charged at the nominal rate for the registration class.

Senior and veteran fee relief

Owners of desexed dogs may apply for fee relief for dog registrations if the owner is 60 years of age or over, or a veteran. This will reduce the registration fee to nil. This relief will apply to the first two desexed dogs only (and excludes any declared as menacing or dangerous). All other dogs registered will be at the nominal rate for the registration class.

Reciprocal dog registration

Reciprocal registration applies when a dog is currently registered with certain other local authorities and move to the City of Gold Coast.

We recognise registrations from these local authorities:

  • Brisbane City Council
  • Fraser Coast Regional Council
  • Ipswich City Council
  • Logan City Council
  • Moreton Bay Regional Council
  • Redland City Council
  • Scenic Rim Regional Council.

To apply for reciprocal registration, you will need to show your current proof of registration from the relevant local authority.

When your registration with the other local authority expires, you will need to pay our dog registration fee.

Prohibited breeds

The following breeds of dogs are prohibited from being kept in the City of Gold Coast:

  • American Pit Bull Terrier, American Pit Bull Terrier types or cross breeds of an American Pit Bull Terrier
  • Dogo Argentino or cross breeds of a Dogo Argentino
  • Fila Brasileiro or cross breeds of a Fila Brasileiro
  • Japanese Tosa or cross breeds of a Japanese Tosa
  • Perro de Presa Canario or Presa Canario or cross breeds of a Perro de Presa Canario or Presa Canario.

Register your dog using one of the options below.


Step 1.Gather your documents

To register a new dog*, you need to provide:

  • your contact details – including your residential address, postal address and phone number
  • dog's microchip number
  • proof of your dog's desexing (if applicable)*
  • Pension Concession Card or Department of Veterans Affairs Card (if applicable)
  • current membership card from endorsed association, Dogs Queensland (if applicable)
  • current proof of registration from the relevant local authority that we offer reciprocal registration for.
*Excludes Regulated dogs (declared dangerous, menacing or restricted) under the Animal Management (Cats and Dogs) Act 2008.

Step 2.Complete and submit our online form

Register your dog

Payment for your dog registration is required. Online payment by credit card will incur a surcharge of 0.75%.

Please note: Completing this online application does not automatically approve registration, it will remain tentative pending Council review and approval.

Please also complete the Statutory Declaration form from the Queensland Government publications portal if you are unable to provide any proof of your dog being desexed (i.e. no sterilisation certificate issued by a veterinary surgeon).

Download a Statutory Declaration

In person

Step 1.Gather your documents

To register a new dog, you need to provide:

  • your contact details – including your residential address, postal address and phone number
  • dog's microchip number
  • proof of your dog's desexing (if applicable)*
  • Pension Concession Card or Department of Veterans Affairs Card (if applicable)
  • current membership card from endorsed association, Dogs Queensland (if applicable)
  • current proof of registration from the relevant local authority that we offer reciprocal registration for.

Step 2.Complete the application form

Download, print and complete the form:

Dog registration application form(PDF, 75KB)

Please also download, print and complete the Statutory Declaration form from the Queensland Government publications portal if you are unable to provide any proof of your dog being desexed (i.e. no sterilisation certificate issued by a veterinary surgeon).

Download a Statutory Declaration

Step 3.Visit one of our customer service centres

Submit your application at one of our customer service centres (Monday to Friday between 8.15am and 4.30pm).

Payment for the dog registration fee can be made by MasterCard, Visa, debit card or cheque.

By mail

Step 1.Gather your documents

To register a new dog, you need to provide:

  • your contact details – including your residential address, postal address and phone number
  • dog's microchip number
  • proof of your dog's desexing (if applicable)*
  • Pension Concession Card or Department of Veterans Affairs Card (if applicable)
  • current membership card from endorsed association, Dogs Queensland (if applicable)
  • current proof of registration from the relevant local authority that we offer reciprocal registration for.

Step 2.Complete the application form

Download, print and complete the form:

Dog registration application form(PDF, 75KB)

Please also download, print and complete the Statutory Declaration form from the Queensland Government publications portal if you are unable to provide any proof of your dog being desexed (i.e. no sterilisation certificate issued by a veterinary surgeon).

Download a Statutory Declaration

Step 3.Send us your completed application form

Post to:

City of Gold Coast
PO Box 5042

Include a cheque or money order made payable to City of Gold Coast for the amount of the dog registration fee.