Coomera River foreshore stabilisation project

  • Project typeEnvironment
  • Project scheduleProject planning: 2022 to 2023 | Construction: 2023 to 2024
Erosion – Mangrove Jack Park

In 2018, we successfully stabilised the foreshore at Damian Leeding Memorial Park to protect the Coomera River estuary foreshore from significant erosion. It was our first foreshore stabilisation project using natural instream hydraulic structures.

Following a review of project outcomes, we will use the same nature-based technique to stabilise the foreshore along the estuary at 4 public parks:

  • Ragamuffin Drive Reserve
  • Mangrove Jack Park
  • Damian Leeding Memorial Park (stage 2)
  • Regatta Parklands – this future public park connects Damian Leeding Memorial Park and borders the Coomera River.

The Coomera River foreshore stabilisation project started in early 2022. It includes:

  • a review of the stabilisation outcomes of the 2018 project
  • implementing lessons learned and identified cost savings for the 2022 stabilisation project
  • surveying the protected aquatic vegetation such as mangroves at each location
  • surveying the riverbed and bank
  • developing a stakeholder and community engagement plan
  • developing suitable design plans for each foreshore park to stabilise the riverbanks
  • developing vegetation plans for the riparian zone using suitable native plans that will enhance the bank stability
  • applying for tidal prescribed permit for the works.

Stabilisation works are scheduled to start in early 2024.


  • Provide erosion protection to the river and parks
  • Stabilise the riverbanks by reducing flows acting on the foreshore
  • Facilitate the natural growth of mangroves which offer the best long-term protection to the foreshore from boat wash and sediment erosion   
  • Maintain aquatic ecological processes
  • Enhance water quality and overall aquatic health
  • Create aquatic habitats for fish and other fauna