Mowing program

  • Project typeServices
  • Project scheduleOngoing
Man riding mower over grassed area

We undertake regular mowing across the Gold Coast. Our mowing program covers parks and reserves, sports fields, pedestrian laneways and roadsides.

Mowing service

We use City staff and contractors to keep facilities, parks and open spaces safe, accessible, functional and presentable for all to enjoy. City of Gold Coast mows the equivalent of 3,500 football fields every mowing cycle.

  • We mow every 2 weeks in the growing season from November to April.
  • We mow every 3 to 4 weeks in the dormant season from May to October (except July when we do not mow).
  • We do not mow residential footpaths or nature strips in front of private, commercial or industrial property. Visit Grass footpath & nature strip mowing to learn more.
  • Mowing equipment ranges from small ride-on mowers to 6-metre wide wing-mowers attached to large tractors for our parks and open spaces.
  • We use commercially and safety compliant contractors sourced through an open tender process.

How seasonal weather can affect the mowing program

Our crews work hard to keep facilities, parks and open spaces mowed and maintained throughout the year.

Dry weather conditions

Dry conditions during our warmer months can result in:

  • weeds and seed head growing faster than usual making the overall aesthetic appear untidy, while the grassed surface remains short
  • dry, compacted soil that will generate dust and safety issues if mowed
  • less frequent mowing to avoid creating dust patches.

We will continue to service where possible and increase mowing frequency once grass growth resumes.

Wet weather and lightening conditions

Wet weather and lightning events during our hot and humid warmer months can result in:

  • the grass growing faster than usual
  • rapid grass seed head growth days after mowing
  • open spaces too wet to mow
  • delays to the mowing schedule.

As soon as sites are dry enough to mow, we will return to the mowing scheduled.

Do you have a concern about the City mowing service?

If you have a question or concern about the City mowing service, please use our online form or call us on 1300 465 326.

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