Smart water meter solutions project
- Project typeWater
- Project scheduleJune 2020 to June 2025 commercial customers
We are converting thousands of existing water meters to smart water meters. Access to near real-time water-use data will soon be a reality for some Gold Coast non-residential water customers.
Project schedule
Commercial customers:
- Stage 1 June 2020 – June 2023
- Stage 2 July 2023 – June 2025
Residential customers not scheduled.
Project details
Smart water meter devices allow us and our customers to take a smarter approach to sustainable water management. The availability of near real-time data improves our ability to use and manage water more efficiently.
A smart water meter device is attached to existing water meters. It collects, transmits and analyses water-usage data. It digitally sends the information to secure operational and customer digital portals. Customers can access the digital customer portal to self-monitor and better manage their water use.

Schools Water Conservation Program
Smart water meter technology is already helping schools across the city as part of the Schools Water Conservation Program. This program helps schools to quickly identify leaks - saving water and money. It has also helped them to keep track of their usage patterns, develop more sustainable irrigation schedules and improve their overall water literacy.
Who will be getting smart water meter devices?
We are installing devices for non-residential customers in the first stages of the project. This decision is based on the water-saving potential of these customers.
There are no charges to customers associated with the initial installation or ongoing maintenance of the smart water meter.
We will provide notice to property owners via mail before the installation. The property owners will receive an information pack after the installation. This provides further details, including how to access and interpret your data on the secure digital customer portal.
We will not be replacing an existing device if you already have one installed on your premises at this stage.
If you have a smart water meter and it is damaged or vandalised, please contact us at to arrange a repair or replacement.
Benefits to customers
Smart water technology is being used across Australia and internationally with significant customer benefits, including:
- more control over water use
- better understanding of your water bill
- improved ability to identify and fix leaks fast, reducing water loss as well as associated costs.
Trust and privacy
We will initially continue its current practice of manually reading water meters every quarter. This means water consumption data transmitted by your device can be verified.
You will continue to receive your bills quarterly for the foreseeable future. If you have any queries with the transmitted data, we can check the consumption against the manual readings.
Water data will be available to customers by a company contracted to the City of Gold Coast to provide you with secure access to the data. The data will not be shared with any other organisations unless Council of the City of Gold Coast is required to do so by law.
We will provide project updates to all customers before and after the installation process. Customers can also receive ongoing reports, updates and alerts about their water usage data generated from the secure digital customer portal.
If you have further queries regarding this project please contact us at