Update your details

Update contact details for your City services

Have you changed your contact details or address? Let us know so that we can keep our records up to date. Update your details for City services such as rates, water, and dog registration.

Let us know about your change of details by:

Update your details

Change in property use

If there is a change in property use (e.g. if your property changes from owner-occupier to rental), please complete the form below so we can assign the correct rating category.

Confirm your property rating category

Nominate an authorised representative

Your privacy matters to us. We will not disclose any of your personal details or account information to anyone who is not listed as the owner of the property, without your consent.

You can only nominate an authorised person to act on your behalf if you are the registered owner of the property, or in the case of a trust or a company, the Director of the trust or company.

We will update our records so that the authorised representative will have authority to discuss and make changes on the City services you nominate.

Is the property held in the name of individual person?

Individual owners can nominate another person or agency to access their account details by completing the online form below. Alternatively, call us on +61 7 5667 5995 or 1300 366 659. Please quote the rates or water and sewerage notice reference number, property address and current postal address or dog's details.

Is the property held in a trust or company name?

To nominate another person or agency to access account details, the Director of the trust or company is required to complete the form below. Each Director must complete this form to nominate themselves as an authorised agent on the account, as well as any other agents if applicable.

Nominate an authorised representative

My Account

You can use My Account to:

  • view, manage and pay your rates and water bills
  • update your details
  • set up or change a direct debit or payment plan
  • pay for services such as dog registration
  • pay fines and infringement notices
  • lodge and renew licences and permits
  • submit and track applications and service requests
  • make property enquiries.

For more information, visit My Account

Checklist for other Council services

Use our checklist to find out more about other key services. Do you need to: