Penalty units

We use a system of penalty units to calculate fines for some offences.

The value of a penalty unit is set by the Queensland Government. In July 2024, the value of a penalty unit was set at $161.30.

The value of a penalty unit may increase in July each year.

A penalty unit is a set amount of money used to work out each fine. The fine is calculated by multiplying the value of one penalty unit by the number of penalty units set for that offence.

When we use a penalty unit value to calculate a fine, we round the amount down to the nearest dollar:

  • if an offence carries 1 penalty unit, we issue a fine for $161
  • if an offence carries 2 penalty units, we issue a fine for $322
  • if an offence carries 20 penalty units, we issue a fine for $3226
  • if an offence carries 50 penalty units, we issue a fine for $8065.