Camping area licence

No camping icon

No free camping on the Gold Coast

It is illegal to camp on Gold Coast beaches, roads and parks. Council officers patrol public areas 7 days a week and fines may be issued for illegal camping. Report illegal camping.

You can search online for legal holiday parks and camping grounds. We also offer safe and legal camping at our Tourist parks

For information on homelessness support, please visit Housing & homelessness

Licences for operators of camping areas and caravan parks

We regulate and monitor camping areas and caravan parks on the Gold Coast to make sure appropriate and adequate facilities are provided and that they are kept in a clean and hygienic condition.

You need a licence from us to operate a camping area or caravan park. You might also need development approval.

Licence needed for:

  • camping ground
  • caravan park
  • temporary or semi-permanent accommodation for residential or recreational purposes, including occupying or sleeping in a tent, caravan or vehicle.

Note: This includes the use of semi-permanent accommodation on private land while being built on by the owner-builder or builder. You will need to submit a copy of the approved development permit with your application.

Licence not needed for:

  • a child camping overnight in a tent on occupied residential premises
  • premises on which scouts or guides camp overnight in a tent.

Licences are valid until the 31 August each year (except for temporary licences) and are renewed annually. There are no fees for a new licence or for licence renewal. For more information visit Permits & licensing renewals.

For more information, contact our City Standards team on 07 5667 5987.

Complying with regulations

You and your staff are responsible for complying with all requirements of the relevant legislation. Refer to Related information.

How to apply

Use this form to apply for a permanent, temporary or owner-builder camping area licence. No fees apply.

Before submitting your application, make sure your site has the appropriate development approval to prevent your application being delayed. Depending on the type, size and intended use of any permanent buildings and structures, building approval and certification from a building certifier may also be required.

For details on when other approvals such as building and plumbing may also be needed for a caravan, visit Development compliance.

By email

Step 1.Gather your documents

You will need to attach the following supporting information to your application:

  • public liability insurance certificate of currency for a minimum of AU$10 million (not required for owner builder camping area)
  • site plan drawn to scale and detailing the following:
    • location and number of proposed camping sites
    • the location, number and type of sanitary facilities
    • amenities
    • buildings
    • waste facilities and servicing arrangements
    • fire safety installations
    • water supply, waste water disposal systems and on-site sewerage facilities, and
    • separation distances between camping facilities and boundaries.
  • development approval (owner builder camping area only)
  • owner builder evidence (owner builder camping area only).

Step 2.Complete the application form

Download and complete the Camping area licence form(PDF, 186KB)

Step 3.Send us your completed application form

Email to:

In person

Step 1.Gather your documents

You will need to attach the following supporting information to your application:

  • public liability insurance certificate of currency for a minimum of AU$10 million (not required for owner builder camping area)
  • site plan drawn to scale and detailing the following:
    • location and number of proposed camping sites
    • the location, number and type of sanitary facilities
    • amenities
    • buildings
    • waste facilities and servicing arrangements
    • fire safety installations
    • water supply, waste water disposal systems and on-site sewerage facilities, and
    • separation distances between camping facilities and boundaries.
  • development approval (owner builder camping area only)
  • owner builder evidence (owner builder camping area only).

Step 2.Complete the application form

Download, print and complete the Camping area licence form(PDF, 186KB)

Step 3.Visit one of our customer service centres

Submit your application at one of our customer service centres Monday to Friday between 8.15am and 4.30pm.

By mail

Step 1.Gather your documents

You will need to attach the following supporting information to your application:

  • public liability insurance certificate of currency for a minimum of AU$10 million (not required for owner builder camping area)
  • site plan drawn to scale and detailing the following:
    • location and number of proposed camping sites
    • the location, number and type of sanitary facilities
    • amenities
    • buildings
    • waste facilities and servicing arrangements
    • fire safety installations
    • water supply, waste water disposal systems and on-site sewerage facilities, and
    • separation distances between camping facilities and boundaries.
  • development approval (owner builder camping area only)
  • owner builder evidence (owner builder camping area only).

Step 2.Complete the application form

Download, print and complete the Camping area licence form(PDF, 186KB)

Step 3.Send us your completed application form

Post to:

City of Gold Coast
PO Box 5042