Report a problem - Development compliance

Development approvals

For information about common types of building and plumbing works and their approval requirements, please see our Building and plumbing pages.

For information about a development approval for a specific property, please use our PD Online service. You can use PD Online to:

  • enquire about a property
  • track development applications
  • search maps
  • find City Plan information.

We ensure development complies with its conditions of approval or with the provisions of our planning scheme, City Plan. For information, visit Development compliance.

Change to ground level or earthworks

Some changes to ground and earthworks require approval from Council. For more information about these types of works, please visit our Change to ground level page.

If you believe that changes to the ground level or earthworks are being conducted illegally, please report the problem to us. You can either:

  • report illegal change to ground level or earthworks online
  • call us on 07 5667 5978.

Report illegal change to ground level / earthworks

Building work noise

There are restrictions for when noisy building work may be undertaken.

Noisy building work can only be done between 6.30am and 6.30pm Monday to Saturday. No work is allowed on Sundays and public holidays.

For more information about those restrictions or to lodge a complaint, please see Report a problem – noise nuisance.

A permit is required for building work that makes audible noise outside of normal hours. For more information please see After hours building and delivery work.

Dangerous building works & dilapidated structures

All buildings and structures must be maintained to prevent degradation, reduce the risk of collapse and provide adequate safety.

The owner of the building or structure is responsible for maintenance.

If you are concerned about general maintenance or minor issues, please talk to the owner of the building or structure before contacting us.

If your concern is in relation to a retaining wall between two adjoining properties, only an identification survey can establish the ownership of the wall being the owner of the land on which the retaining wall is located. If you wish to report a retaining wall please be ready to attach an identification survey.

If your concern is in relation to a building site or asbestos, visit the Workplace Health Safety Queensland website or call them on 1300 362 128 for more information or to lodge a complaint.

If your concern is in relation to a dividing fence, please visit the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal (QCAT) website or call them on 1300 753 228 for more information or to lodge a complaint.

Please report the problem to us if you believe a building or structure (other than a dividing fence or asbestos) is:

  • dangerous and a risk to public safety
  • dilapidated (in a state of disrepair or ruin).

We will investigate the problem and may take action against the owner.

Use the form below to report dangerous or dilapidated building works or structures.

To report dangerous building works or dilapidated structures, please either:

  • report dangerous building works or dilapidated structures online
  • call us on 07 5667 5978.

Report dangerous building works or dilapidated structures

Driveways & vehicle cross-overs

All driveways and vehicle cross-overs require approval before construction.

For more information about what approval is needed, please see Driveways and vehicular crossings.

If you believe that someone has constructed a non-compliant driveway or vehicle cross-over, please let us know. You can either:

  • report a non-compliant driveway or vehicular cross-over online
  • call us on 07 5667 5978.

Report a non-compliant driveway or vehicle cross-over

Erosion or sediment from building works

Building sites should be maintained to minimise erosion or sediment run off.

For more information about erosion and sediment control, please see Erosion and sediment control.

If you experience problems resulting from erosion or sediment from building works, please either:

  • report erosion or sediment from building works online
  • call us on 07 5667 5978.

Report erosion or sediment from building works

Illegal building works & structures

Many building works require approval before they can begin. However, not all works require approval. For more information, please see Building works that do not require approval.

To view a development approval for a property visit PD Online

If you believe that someone is conducting illegal building works or has built an illegal structure, please report the problem to us. You can either:

  • use the form below to report illegal building works and structures online
  • call us on 07 5667 5978.

Report illegal building works and structures

Illegal use of premises

There are some restrictions which apply to certain uses of premises. To determine if approvals are required for a particular use of a property, visit our Do I need a development approval page.

To report illegal use of premises, you can either:

  • report illegal use of premises online
  • call us on 07 5667 5978.

Report illegal use of premises

Party houses

Party houses are residential premises that are used as a commercial venue for accommodation or are regularly used by guests for parties. Party houses are controlled by law and party houses require approval.

For more information about party houses, please refer to our City Plan.

If you believe that someone is operating an illegal party house, please report it to us. You can either:

  • report an illegal party house online
  • call us on 07 5667 5978.

Report an illegal party house

Pool fencing

All pools must be fenced with barriers that meet the Queensland Government's pool safety laws. Property owners are responsible for ensuring their pool fence complies with the law.

For more information about pool fences, visit the Queensland government's Pool safety page.

If you see a non-compliant swimming pool fence, please report it to us. You can either:

  • report a non-compliant swimming pool fence online
  • call us on 07 5667 5978.

Report a non-compliant pool fence

Plumbing & drainage works

Many plumbing and drainage works require approval before they can begin. However, not all works require approval.

For more information about the works that require approval (called notifiable works), please visit the Queensland Building and Construction Commission (QBCC) website.

If you are concerned that someone is conducting plumbing and drainage works without the required approval, please report the problem to us. You can either:

  • report issues with plumbing and drainage works online
  • call us on 07 5667 5978.

Report issues with plumbing and drainage works

Stormwater complaints on private property

If you are affected by stormwater run-off from a neighbouring private property, please use the following checklist to help you understand the responsibilities around stormwater and how to resolve your stormwater complaint.

Resolve a stormwater complaint

Pontoons & boats moored at a private pontoon

Installation of a pontoon on tidal waters require a development approval before they can begin. Depending on the age of a development approval for a pontoon a condition might be imposed restricting the size of the boat that can be moored at that pontoon.

In the same way, pumping and/or dredging within our waterways may also require a development approval, including some maintenance works.

However, not all maintenance work requires approval. For more information, please see Queensland Government's Maintenance works that do not require approval.

For information about a development approval for a pontoon and/ or maintenance works as excluded works, please refer to Coastal Development Works.

If you believe that someone is conducting development without an approval or is mooring a boat/vessel greater than the approved size for the pontoon, please report the problem to us. You can either:

  • use the form below and include:
    - a description of the issue, i.e. oversized vessel, illegal use of pontoon and/or dilapidated or dangerous structure within the waterway
    - the address of the property that receives the benefit of the works, being a pontoon, jetty, and/or dilapidated or dangerous structure within the waterway
  • call us on 07 5667 5978.

Report dangerous works or dilapidated structures

Request for update on service request

Use this form to request an update on your customer request for development compliance.

Request for update(PDF, 197KB)