Workplace travel

A workplace travel plan encourages employees to seek alternative travel choices to and from work. Easy-to-implement options include walking (or running), cycling, carpooling and public transport. A workplace travel plan also helps the environment. It's an easy way for businesses to meet their broader sustainability goals.

Workplace Travel Toolkit

Free online resources

We have a suite of online resources for employers to help make active travel the number one travel choice for their staff. These resources are a one-stop-shop for a tailored Workplace Travel program. If you need further information please contact

Download the following from our Workplace travel tools and resources page:

  • Active Travel Workplace Toolkit Plan – a guide to developing a sustainable workplace travel plan.
  • brochures and promotional flyers about the benefits of the following travel-to-work options:
    - cycling
    - walking
    - carpooling
    - public transport
  • a promotional flyer about working from home
  • Active Travel Plan Employee Survey to help you find out how your staff are currently travelling to work.
  • Active Travel Plan Employer Survey to inform your workplace travel plan.

Rethink Your Travel PowerPoint presentation

Create a tailored presentation for your staff to highlight the benefits of active travel. Please email for a copy of the PowerPoint template.

Workplace Active Traveller video

Show your staff an informative video on the benefits of active workplace travel.

Walking to work

Did you know that one quarter of all Gold Coast workers live within five kilometres of their workplace? With having close to 300 sunny days per year, 54 kilometres of beaches and a relatively flat topography, the Gold Coast provides the perfect environment and backdrop for walking.

A combination of walking and either public transport or cycling are great options for those who live a little further away from your business, but still want to leave the car at home and increase their exercise. Use our walk, cycle and public transport maps to plan your trip.

Download the 'Walking to work' fact sheet from our Workplace travel tools and resources.

Cycling to work

With over half the Gold Coast population living within 10 kilometres of their workplace, many of us could consider cycling to work. It's a mode of transport that's not only healthy, social and inexpensive, but also requires little effort or prior planning. Plus, you could be at work in as little as 10 to 20 minutes. The average person can cycle one kilometre every four minutes.

Download the 'Cycling to work' fact sheet from our Workplace travel tools and resources.

Free cycling workshops

City of Gold Coast offers a range of resources, maps and free cycling workshops. Talk to us about how a workshop can be tailored to your business and encourage more of your workforce to cycle to and from work.

All workshops are facilitated by some of the most experienced cyclists in Australia, who are all Cycling Australia accredited instructors. They cover:

  • cyclist rights and responsibilities
  • interaction with other road users
  • visibility and shared road use.

Workshop booking information

Grab your workmates and hop on your bike. All the cycling workshops are free. Bookings are required.

Email with your details of which session you would like to attend, or phone our Active Travel team on 07 5582 8677. Bookings to be made weekdays between 8am and 4.30pm.

Catching public transport to work

Catching public transport can allow you to avoid traffic and the stresses of commuting in peak period. Travellers can spend the commute reading, relaxing or preparing for the day. Public transport can be an easy, cost-effective and convenient mode of transport. Why not combine public transport with cycling or walking to get to and from work?

Use Translink's journey planner to discover what public transport options are available for you to combine with your daily cycle or walk to work. You can take a bus, travel on the G:link or catch the train.

Download the 'Catching public transport to work' fact sheet from our Workplace travel tools and resources.

Carpooling to work

Carpooling is a practical way for staff that travel to and from the same area to reduce their own individual transport costs and ease demand on the roads. Additionally, carpooling provides your staff with the opportunity to engage socially outside of the office environment. By working to have fewer cars on our roads, carpooling also offers a great way to promote your business as contributing to reducing emissions.

Use the QLDTraffic app to plan your commute.

Download the 'Carpooling to work' fact sheet from our Workplace travel tools and resources.

Be inspired by other workplaces

Check out some of the great travel initiatives already undertaken by Gold Coast workplaces.