Cloyne Road Carpark

This outdoor carpark is located between Cloyne Road and Marshall Lane in Southport.

Parking is available 24/7 and is free outside of the times stated below.

Parking fees

Fees apply for parking between 9am and 5pm, Monday to Saturday.

Parking fees and time restrictions do not apply on public holidays in this area.

Two column table displaying duration of time in column one and price in column two.
Duration Price
Hourly $2.50
Daily $7.20
Weekly $33.00
Monthly $119.00
Quarterly (3 months) $338.00
Six-monthly $643.00

How to pay for your parking

Parking meters (hourly/daily)

Parking meters accept credit/debit cards and coins.

Follow the instructions on the meter's screen.

You will be asked to:

  • enter your vehicle registration number
  • enter the amount of time you wish to stay for (no more than the maximum allowable parking time)
  • use coins or your credit/debit card to pay for the time requested
  • select whether you would like a receipt for the parking
    • if you select this option, make a note of the code displayed
    • to view your receipt go to and enter the code provided.

If the meter is faulty, please try other meters in the area or use the Easy Park app to pay.

Long-term parking vouchers

You can buy weekly, monthly, quarterly and six-monthly digital parking vouchers online by clicking on the button below.

Purchase a parking voucher


Cloyne Road Carpark, Cloyne Road, Southport 4215  
View map and directions on Google

Google Map
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