Robina Stadium event parking
Robina Stadium (Cbus Super Stadium) is in the suburb of Robina, next to Robina railway station and near Robina Town Centre. The Robina Stadium Traffic Area is activated on event days to manage traffic flow and parking around the stadium.
The following applies on event days only:
- two-minute Traffic Area on signed event days
- if a parking sign does not state the days it applies, parking is managed every day including public holidays.
Parking time limits apply on every street within the Traffic Area. Signs show where Traffic Areas start and end and describe the days and times that time-limited parking applies.
Not all streets within a Traffic Area are signed. You are responsible for checking whether you are parking within a Traffic Area and complying with its parking time limits.
View the boundaries of the Robina Stadium Traffic Area(PDF, 98KB)
Additional parking and transport information can be found on the Cbus Super Stadium website. Find out what events are coming to the stadium – search What's On Gold Coast or visit the Cbus Super Stadium website's What's On event calendar.
Find advice on parking safely and legally within the city. Download our safe and legal parking guides below.
Parking permits
Use the map above to help you identify whether you live in this designated traffic area.
If you are a resident of this area, you can use this information to apply for a Resident event parking permit. Conditions apply.
Note: if you are a resident who accesses their property via Stadium Drive you are not eligible for a resident event parking permit; instead, please contact Cbus Super Stadium for a local traffic access pass. The pass, issued by the stadium, does not entitle the bearer to on street parking, only access to and from their place of residence (excluding during the QPS post event lockdown).