Deceased search

Family name Given names Cemetery

We maintain records of burials and ashes in our cemeteries. Use our online search tool to find a person's interment site or to assist in family history research.

Search tips

  • Search by all or part of the surname
  • Try different spellings

Sometimes less information is better. Most of the information is transcribed from old burial registers where the handwriting can be illegible or hard to read. For example, ‘Anderson’ may be spelled ‘Andersen’ so try 'Ander’. Many people living in the 1900s also used their middle names as their first name, so try both names separately or just the surname.

Family history

If you are looking for more historical information, we recommend you search Births, Deaths and Marriages and Gold Coast Libraries. Our libraries hold the City's collection of historic material. Explore our online resources or visit our Local Studies Library.