When someone dies

Dealing with the death of someone close to you can be a very complex and challenging time.

As well as the emotions that come with grief, it can be hard to know what practical things you need to do or where to start.

The following general guide will help you with some of the steps you may need to follow to arrange a funeral.

Contact a funeral home

One of the first things you need to do after someone dies is arrange a funeral director. You can find one through an online search or by checking a phone directory.

They will help you through the process for burial or cremation and holding a service.

Once you've chosen a funeral director, they will work with us on your behalf and tell you when you need to talk to us directly.

Choose burial or cremation

If your loved one did not leave instructions about their preference for burial or cremation, you will need to make this decision. Your funeral director can guide you.


The funeral director contacts us to make a funeral booking and will tell us if you need to select a site. They will provide us with your contact details so we can arrange a time to meet. Once you have chosen a site, we will let the funeral director know.


We do not operate a crematorium. Your funeral director will arrange for your loved one to be cremated. If you would like to place the ashes at one of our cemeteries, please contact us.

For details, visit our Burial and ashes site options page.

Select a site


Your funeral director will contact us to:

  • make a booking for a burial
  • advise us of your preferred cemetery
  • either confirm the site if one has already been purchased or arrange a site selection. 

To view site options you can either:

  • make an appointment with our cemetery team or
  • request a map indicating available site options within a specific area of a cemetery.

Once you have chosen a site, inform your funeral director who will finalise arrangements with us. The cost of the site will be included in your invoice from the funeral director. 

Ashes placement

Please contact us so we can help you arrange an ashes site and placement.

Ashes placement enquiry

Arrange a monument or plaque

We offer a range of options for a beautiful, everlasting memorial for your loved ones. Whatever your choice, we can help you tailor a memorial to reflect the needs of each individual and family.

Monument or plaque enquiry