Kirra Hill Community & Cultural Centre – Art Gallery

The Kirra Hill Community and Cultural Centre Community Art Gallery is available to local organisations, collectives and community groups for exhibiting artworks free of charge, subject to certain conditions.

Exhibitions are generally on display for a two or four week period, with space available during the standard operating hours of the community centre, which is Monday to Friday 9am - 4.30pm. The gallery can be opened for additional times under agreement with the venue manager. Additional fees will be charged if additional spaces are required, for example as part of the exhibition launch event or if the gallery is to be opened outside of the community centre's standard operating hours.

The space includes a tracked hanging system; the hanging system components must be picked up from the venue manager on the first day of use by 12pm and returned on the last day of use by 3pm.

The gallery is a public facility and neither the venue manager nor City of Gold Coast staff, are responsible for the security of the works or other possessions.

The gallery is managed by the venue manager, contact them to discuss availability. Confirmation is provided once the Gallery Booking Agreement has been completed and provided to the venue manager for approval.

Submit Gallery Booking Agreement

Please see the document below for comprehensive conditions of use.

Kirra Hill Community and Cultural Centre Art Gallery Terms, Conditions and Guidelines for use(PDF, 183KB)