Bin collection days, times or weeks are changing from 17 March. View your new schedule.
Some online services and payment options may be unavailable during this time. If services are unavailable, please try again later. We apologise for this inconvenience and thank you for your patience.
The disposal of certain wastes must meet specific requirements to be accepted at our landfills. Click on the tiles below to find out more.
For disposal of certain household chemicals (up to 20 litres), please visit our Recycle Street page.
For items that you cannot transport or that cannot be recycled at a waste and recycling centre you may find a solution using the Recycling business directory.
You can also use our Recyclepedia to recycle right. Recyclepedia is your A-Z guide on the best way to recycle or dispose of household items and hazardous everyday items such as medical x-rays.
There are strict rules around the removal, transport and disposal of asbestos. Find out more.
Learn how to dispose of expanded plastic and polystyrene so they don’t become a serious environmental hazard.
Find out how to correctly dispose of animals that have died, to avoid harm to people.
Drums or any other containers that store chemicals or other hazardous materials need to be properly disposed of. Find out how.
Here you can find out more information about the City’s sharps disposal bins and what to do if you find incorrectly discarded needles and syringes.
Information about disposing of ammunition and explosive devices on the Gold Coast. They cannot be disposed of in our Waste and Recycling facilities.